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chapter ten

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chapter ten


"Come on, Rosie! You could at least try!" James whined as he tried to pry Rosie's arms off of the wooden pole.

"No! There is no way that I am going on that flying death machine!" she yelled back, still glued to her spot while staring at the brooms on the floor discontentedly.

"You can ride a broom with me! You know you can trust me, I am after all, a professional," James attempted to persuade her, flipping his hair as he said 'professional.'

"I hardly think so." Rosie rolled her eyes slightly as she loosened her grip on the pole. James took this as a moment of opportunity as he yanked her from the pole, causing her to fall face first into the snow. She rose from the snow, red-faced from the bitter cold, but didn't have a moment to breathe as James pulled her with him onto his broom and quickly took off.

"I have a fear of heights! AAAAAAAAH!" Rosie shoved her head into James' back, not daring to look down.

"C'mon Rosie! It's not that bad! Don't you feel the least bit excited?!" James shouted, the harsh winds of the cold air calming down as he neared to a stop.

"Are we back on the ground yet?" Rosie peaked her head out of his back and looked down. She shrieked in shock when as she saw that they were nearly 50 feet up.

"James! W-we're really high! I don't like this!" she shouted at James, slightly swatting him with one hand while keeping a tight grip around his waist with the other. James just shook his head with a small chuckle.

"All right, if you don't like it up here that much, then I guess I can take you down." 

Rosie sighed in relief before James' smirk returned to his face. 

"Just joking!" he shouted before he quickly accelerated the broom, going faster than before. 


He laughed while making a clean sweep around Potter Mansion, the wind whipping through Rosie's hair as she hid her face in the crook of James' neck. He finally halted to a stop and carefully lifted Rosie's body, placing her gently on the ground to reassure her that they were definitely on the ground.

"Oh thank bloody hell," Rosie moaned as she rolled around in the snow breathing heavily.

"Riding a broom isn't that bad, y'know?" Sirius smiled, looking down at her snow covered body.

"Speak for yourself," Rosie sighed heavily, catching her breath. "I don't understand how you can go for joyrides on those glorified, flying death machines."

Sirius rolled his eyes playfully while James set a hand on his heart. Remus, who volunteered to help Euphemia make hot chocolate, walked out of the back door with a tray of four steaming mugs. Rosie gladly took a mug from the tray and blew the steam gently.

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