thirty four

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thirty four 

The time for NEWTs had finally arrived and Rosie had never been tenser. Weeks of studying had led up to this point and while she was confident in her abilities, her nerves were starting to seep their way into her head. Even when asked the simplest questions that she definitely knew the answer to, her brain decided to jumble her thoughts and confuse the answers.

As the rounds of tests went by, she found herself easing up yet also growing even more nervous as her final evaluations went by. Her last evaluations wouldn't only be with Dumbledore and the Professors, but also with other senior members of the Order to prove if she was ready to join.

Eventually, the last NEWT came and so did the final evaluation. She had done just as they expected, granting her official introduction into the Order. She was now the youngest order member in its short history.

As the year finished up it was soon time for graduation. It had taken Rosie by shock as she realized that she was finally done with school. She had made so many friends and memories at Hogwarts that it hurt to see her leaving so soon.

Before she knew it, it was the day of graduation and she wasn't prepared at all. Luckily, she didn't have to give a speech or anything of the sorts, but she knew that Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were up to something as they both had mischievous looks in their eyes as they wished her luck.

The morning of their final day started off like any other one. In their quiet dorm room - with the exception of light snores from Mary - the four occupants sleeping peacefully as the sun seeped through their maroon curtains. Rosie was the first to rise, as usual, and looked around at her still roommates. She would truly miss them.

Carefully, so as not to awaken her sleeping friends, she swung her legs off the bed and quietly walked over to her trunk. It was only then when she realized that it was their graduation day. She gasped loudly at the revelation and dropped the top of her trunk loudly, causing Marlene to jump from her bed.

"I'm up!" she groaned from the floor, slowly picking herself back up and onto her sheets.

"Huh?" Mary mumbled as she rubbed her tired eyes. "What's going on?"

"We're graduating today!" Rosie exclaimed.

"Oh sh-" Mary mumbled before falling back asleep, her snores filling the room once again.

Rosie raced to Lily's dorm and burst in. "We're graduating today!" she exclaimed as she jumped onto the redheads bed. Lily groaned at the sudden movement and turned over.

"Didn't have to remind me," she murmured.

"How's the schedule?" Rosie asked, sitting cross-legged on the bed. 

Lily sat up and ran her hand through her knotted hair. "Well, we should be going to the Great Hall in two hours. James and I will be in the front and the Prefects behind us. We're going by houses and uh...after the ceremony and speeches, we're gonna go across the Black Lake one last time."

Rosie hung on to the last line with shock. "Wow, that's so depressing."

"Yeah..." Lily realized, only then fully registering just how saddening the thought was in real life.

"Well, we better get ready," Rosie announced, sitting up and getting off of the bed.

"I guess so," Lily sighed. 

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