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Remus had run his plan by James and Peter before commencing it. James was hesitant at first since the boys had all agreed to never prank each other in second year -- for insurance reasons, obviously. While Remus' plan wasn't a prank, it was bordering one, and James was not one to break pacts. Peter was quick to agree; even if it didn't seem like it, he actually liked having Rosie around. She helped to ground the boys when they were getting over their heads and provided a sense of reality to their group.

"Did you let Evans in on it?" asked James, curious to see if Rosie's best friend and his longtime crush would aid them in their sneaky plan.

"It took some warming up, but I got her to join in," answered Remus, James teeming with excitement since his precious Lily-flower would be joining them. "But she did also say that if things go south, she was never involved." 

"Will she be joining us?" asked James, hoping that he knew the answer.

"Unfortunately, Prongs, she'll only be luring Rosie to us, not actually playing out the games. She's a mere accomplice," Remus revealed to James, patting him on the back supportively as he sighed sadly.

"Shall the plan commence?" James asked, holding out both of his forearms.

"It shall," Remus nodded, putting his left forearm on James' right one. 

"Peter?" James turned to his other side where Peter was sitting on his bed. Peter nodded with a smile and put his right arm on James' left one. The three boys exited their dorm room in a confident march, ready to help their best mate finally apologize to the girl he fancies.


"What's wrong with you three?" Sirius asked while inspecting his friends' smirking faces directed at him.

"Oh, nothing, just...a normal day," James replied, a playful tone dancing in his voice.

"You don't usually look this much like a serial killer on a normal day," Sirius remarked. 

James' face dropped as he analyzed Sirius' statement. "Usually?" he asked, his face blanching.

Remus cut in. "It's just potions," he said. Sirius raised his brow, waiting for him to continue. "We're making Amortentia today, remember?" Remus asked, thinking back to when he had asked Professor Slughorn to change their lesson plan for today from Draught of the Living Dead to Amortentia a few days ago.

"Oh, right. Love potions," Sirius smirked, already curious with how the class was going to go. He wondered how many people would realize their true feelings, how many girls would be upset or leave crying, how many guys would immediately lose their 'manly' confidence in front of their friends, how many girls would sit in denial, and how many people who weren't affected at all would just stare at the mess in front of their eyes.

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