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chapter eight

"Aww, look at them all cute and snuggly."

"Leave them alone, Potter." 

"C'mon, Evans. Why not capture this sweet moment with that camera of yours." 

A click and a flash rang through the common room. The sleeping Rosie stirred in her sleep and Sirius tightened his grip around her waist.

"Happy now?"

"Very, I can't wait until Sirius here wakes up." 

Sirius, now slightly awake, stirred and lifted his arm from Rosie's waist, drowsily rubbing his face.

"Don't have to wait, 'm already up," he groaned, running a hand through his hair.

"I see you've had a fun night," James smirked, crossing his arms while looking down at the two. 

Remus stood off on one side with a small smile, Peter on the other with a matching expression. Lily, on the other hand, offered a lethal 'if you hurt my best friend I will hex you into oblivion' glare while holding a picture in on hand and her camera in the other.

"Relax. We didn't do anything, just went up to the astronomy tower and had some food. That was it," explained Sirius.

"We--" James was interrupted by the portrait door swinging open.

"Miss Winters?!" McGonagall's voice shouted. 

Rosie's eyes flew open and she tumbled off the couch, landing hard on her side. McGonagall, in her frightened glory, quickly made her way over to the six Gryffindors, an angry look on her face.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were when we found that you were no longer in the hospital wing, along with Mister Black? We thought something happened to the two of you. Especially after what had happened!" she scolded them.

Rosie and Sirius looked down, ashamed. "I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall" they both mumbled. 

Even though they weren't being reprimanded, even James, Lily, Remus, and Peter felt guilty just for looking (McGonagall just had that effect).

McGonagall's face softened and she sighed. "No matter. As long as we know you're ok...I came to collect Miss Winters so she can answer some questions."

Rosie nodded understandingly and moved towards the professor's side. McGonagall smiled down at Rosie softly, putting a supportive hand on the young girl's shoulder. 

"I'll see you guys later," said Rosie, giving her friends a weak smile before walking alongside McGonagall to Dumbledore's office. The walk was quick with McGonagall's speedy pace but the tension laid thick in the air.

"Miss Winters, is there anything you can recall from the other night?" Dumbledore calmly asked, sitting in his large seat across his desk.

Rosie sunk into her seat in thought while answering shakily, "I only remember coming from your office and someone taking me and a lot of pain. . .The Cruciatus Curse"

McGonagall paused her frantic pacing and looked directly at Rosie. "Do you remember who took you?" she asked.

"I...I don't remember? I remember kind of recognizing them and someone named Fenrir or something like that and them talking about the 'Dark Lord,'" Rosie recalled, rubbing her head in frustration to try and remember something - anything - from the previous night. 

Her last statement silenced the Professors -- an eery silence pervaded the room. Noticing the sudden change of mood, Rosie looked up and met the Professors' alarmed faces -- Dumbledore's expression more shocked than panicked.

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