twenty eight

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twenty eight

To put it lightly, Rosie was stressed. She had no idea how to handle everything and had never missed her parents more. Between NEWT classes, lessons, a social life, sleep, and now being a member of the Order of the Phoenix, her schedule was filled. The only time she had to herself was when she was with Lily, Marlene, or the boys, and even then she still didn't have any alone time.

However, like a champion, she put on a happy face and continued to please everyone else except for herself. She knew that she was bound to be involved in everything she couldn't quite handle yet, it was in her prophecy for Merlin's sake. Once she grasped that it was out of her control, she accepted her new life.

"Rosie, you there?" Remus asked, waving his hand in front of her face. Rosie blinked and shook her head before responding.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry, I spaced out there for a bit," Rosie said, shifting in her seat.

Remus laughed lightly and took her hand. "I can tell. What's been on your mind lately?"

"Oh, y'know, the usual. NEWTs, classes, homework," Rosie avoided the truth and said the same thing to the same question she's been constantly asked.

"Sure, but I know that something else is going on in that brain of yours," Remus said, knowing that there was more to her answer.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Rosie dismissed the topic, hoping that he would let it go so she wouldn't have to feel any more pressure about not telling him everything.

"I can't not worry about you. You're my best friend, I can't just let this go," Remus persisted.

"Fine," Rosie sighed. "It's just the lessons, with Dumbledore and the professors..." she half-lied, feeling some of the weight lifting off her chest.

"What about them?" 

"They're just getting..difficult, and I don't know how to keep up with everything," Rosie answered.

"Well, I know you can do it, you always do," Remus said supportively, patting her shoulder with his free hand.

"Thanks, Remus."


The Black family was rich, to put it gently, and everyone knew it, especially Sirius Black. So when his uncle died and left him a hefty inheritance, he was more shocked over the fact that he left the money to him rather than the number of zeroes.

Rosie, on the other hand, gaped at the substantial sum. "What will you do with the money?" she asked.

"Well, I've been thinking about buying my own flat, and I guess I've got the money to do it now," Sirius answered honestly, looking up from the letter at her.

Rosie nodded, still staring at the large number. "That's great! When will you go out to look for the flat?" she questioned Sirius, knowing that he would probably want to do it as soon as he could -- he was beginning to feel bad for the too-kind Potters.

"Probably this winter break," he answered simply. "Would to look for it with me?" he suggested, looking at her hopefully.

"Of course," said Rosie, giving him a small smile. "The Evans won't miss me for a day."

"And would you like to move in with me?" Sirius then asked. 

Rosie rose her brows and widened her eyes. "W-what?"

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