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"Do you guys understand just how important our OWLs are?" Rosie asked the boys, slamming her Transfiguration book down on the table. Sirius' head shot up, hitting Remus' jaw. Both of the boys cursed in pain and looked up at the the flustered girl in annoyance. 

"These grades will decide our future!" exclaimed Lily.

James puffed out his chest. "Yes, and I've decided that I'm gonna be an Auror," he arrogantly added.

"I second that," agreed Sirius, high-fiving James with a large smirk.

James turned to Remus. "Remus?"

"Well, I've kinda wanted to be a professor, but yeah Auror sounds interesting and fun," said Remus while nervously fiddling with the pages of his Charms book. Rosie frowned -- she knew that Remus was worried about finding a job due to his condition. He was convinced no one, especially the ministry, would want to hire him. 

James turned to his shorter blond friend. "Peter?"

"Haven't put much thought into it really, but being an Auror with you guys sounds fun!" answered Peter enthusiastically.

James nodded in satisfaction. He had painted a perfect picture in his head; all four of them fighting dark wizards and kicking ass together. 

Sirius suddenly turned to Rosie. "Rosie, why are you the most stressed out of all of us? You know everything, you and Evans are literally the smartest in our year! "

Rosie glared at him. "That's not true! Plus it's our OWLs! It's the most important test before NEWTs!"

James and Sirius both gestured to each other. "Do we look like we care?" 


Soon enough it was the day before the much anticipated O.W.L.s, and Rosie was in the library with Lily, both of them questioning each other on different Charms.

"What's the levitation charm?" asked Lily, her charms book propped open on the table.

"Wingardium Leviosa," Rosie answered off the top of her head.

"What happens when you cast Aguamenti?" 

"Water shoots out from your wand." Rosie made a fake spewing motion with her hands, showing the water jetting out.

"That's what she said," Sirius snickered out of nowhere. James high-fived him with a 'nice one Sirius.'

"Sirius, that doesn't even make sense," Remus sighed as he pulled out a seat and his own Charms book.

"All of you shut up before you get us in trouble," Lily hissed at the four, more so towards James and Sirius. The redhead straightened herself up again before letting out a breath. "Where would you find a bezoar?"  

"In the stomach of a...goat," answered Rosie. 

"What is 'impedimenta' an example of?" Lily raised her eyebrow.

Rosie snorted at the simple question. "A jinx." 

"Ok, obviously, you know just about everything you need," Sirius rolled his eyes at Rosie. "C'mon, you should relax, let's all go by the lake."

"No! That's a terrible idea! We need to be studying!" exclaimed Lily, astounded by his calmness around OWLs.

Sirius shrugged. "Remus helps James, Peter, and I study before all our exams anyways." 

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