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"Now. All you need to do is take an egg cup and make it do cartwheels, show the Levitation Charm, change the colour of this rug, and charm this plant to grow," Professor Flitwick explained to Rosie. With a nod, she nervously took in a shaky breath as she prepared herself.

Adjusting her wand into a perfect grip, she successfully made the egg cup do cartwheels. It was quite entertaining to watch and it eased her nerves a bit when Professor Flitwick happily exclaimed 'Perfect!' Sadly, the slight ease she felt would slowly disappear as more and more exams arrived.


"Did you like question ten, Moony?" Sirius asked as they left the Great Hall. 

Rosie waved Lily a small goodbye, gesturing that she would meet her outside after she finished speaking with Professor Craven.

"Loved it," Remus said with sarcasm. "Give five signs that identify the werewolf. Excellent question," he drawled, intense irony laced in his words. 

James nudged Remus with his elbow, asking him with fake concern, "D'you think you managed to get all the signs?" The bespectacled boy put his fingers to his chin and tilted his head to emphasize his 'worry.'

"Think I did," Remus said soberly just as they entered the large crowed waiting by the large doors — all students who had just finished and were waiting to leave the castle for the bright grounds outside. 

"One: He's sitting on my chair. Two: He's wearing my clothes. Three: His name's Remus Lupin..." Remus finished, making everyone erupt in laughter. James threw his arm around Remus, his body slightly lifting off the ground due to the subtle height difference between him and Remus.

"How'd you think you did, Rosie?" Sirius asked, drawing the others' attention towards her.

"Wait!" James held his hand up suddenly, preventing her from even opening her mouth. "Before you say anything. You probably got everything right, maybe even more than everything. You must've found a way to do that somehow." The bespectacled boy rolled his eyes jokingly, lightly shoving her shoulder.

Rosie glared at him playfully. "Well, before I was so rudely interrupted," she started. "I was going to say that I think I did alright. What about you guys?" she asked as they exited the doors and made their way towards 'their' tree.

"I think I did great. Only about 50% of the exam were things I didn't know!" Sirius exclaimed with excitement, obviously joking. Sirius and James were definitely intelligent, but they did tend to put more effort into their elaborate pranks instead of schoolwork.

"Shut up, Padfoot. We did fine, better than fine! We got O's!" James happily boasted, embracing Sirius and Peter into a tight hug. Suddenly, Rosie was turned and also put in a hug. 

"If they're hugging then we might as well," Remus laughed, his chest vibrating as he spoke and his voice slightly muffled. Rosie brought her arms up as well and hugged him just below his shoulder. 

"C'mon, we're nearly there," James announced, breaking the hug as he dragged them towards their ever beloved tree. With a sigh, they all sat down on the soft grass and relaxed for a moment. Peeking her eyes open, Rosie focused on one specific person. Severus

Now that Rosie thought about it, she hadn't spoken to him at all the past few months. Guilt immediately ran through her body. I hope he doesn't think that I hate him! I'm a terrible person for not even noticing. First Marlene and now Severus. I'm a terrible friend, she thought. 

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