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chapter five

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chapter five


"Remus. Remus. Reeemuus," Rosie whined, her head propped on the tall boy's comfortable lap.

Remus craned his head and looked at her with a sarcastic smile on his face. "Yes, dear?"

"I'm bored," she frowned while playing with the ends of his cardigan.

"Do your homework," he said simply before turning away from her yet again.

Rosie's frown deepened. Normally, she would be doing homework, but she already finished all her assignments and truly had nothing to do for the evening. Since Remus was clearly busy, she resorted to examining him.

Rosie had noticed something off about Remus since her third year. She knew that he got sick easily, but it happened so frequently and he got so moody that it didn't seem normal to her at all. She even asked her mother for advice and it was to no avail. Rosie knew that it could truly just be sickness or something wrong at home, but if she wanted to be a good friend she couldn't just let it slide any longer. If there was one thing she knew, it was that Remus has had way too many hospital wing visits than she would prefer.

"Remus, what's wrong? And no excuses," she demanded, gently turning his head downward with her fingers so that he was facing her.

Remus gulped and looked away anxiously. "Nothing, just anxious about something that's going on tonight with the boys," he rushed out, his eyes widening ever so slightly.

"Wait, if you're doing something, and I'm doing something, who's going to do our rounds?" she asked in response, her brow quirking in curiosity. 

"I think the Ravenclaw Prefects offered to cover us," he said, furrowing his brows as he nervously picked at the ends of his worn sweater.

"Wait, what are you doing with the boys that you managed to convince McGonagall to excuse you?"

"U-Uhm, James and Sirius they have, um, something planned." 

Her brow raised in suspicion. "Remus, please don't lie to me. You can tell me anything, I hope you know that," she spoke softly. She sat up and gently took his larger hands into hers. "Whatever it is, you don't have to go through it alone. If you don't want to tell me then you don't have to but please...know that I'll always be there for you."

Remus turned his head away, hiding his glassy eyes from her. He desperately wanted to tell her but he couldn't. He couldn't tell her what he truly was. 

Sensing his sadness and the mood's drastic change, she tightened her grip on his hand and kissed the top of his head gently.

"Ok, well, I'll be off then. Professor Sprout's having me work with venomous tentacula," she said with a cringe, already knowing that she wouldn't be too fond of the spiky plant.

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