twenty two

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twenty two

"Alright, everyone. Open your books to page 286," Professor Gena, the year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, said to the exhausted NEWT level students. They groaned in sync and slowly turned the pages in their books. However, many of them perked up when they saw the lesson for the day - the Patronus Charm. Rosie's shoulders stooped a bit, she had already done this. At least you're ahead, she thought. Then again, she'd done almost everything already. What was the point in going to regular class if she already learned everything?

"Now, together we're doing the Patronus Charm. First, we'll be reading, then we'll perform and practice. The faster we can read, the faster you can get to practice. It is a very difficult spell, I don't expect many of you to have it accomplished today," the professor briefly glanced at Rosie with an arched brow before continuing, "So the lesson will extend to tomorrow. However, I expect that many of you will not be able to do it at all at such a level and time frame." Rosie's classmates eagerly nodded and whispered excitedly to each other.

"Do we have any volunteers to read?" Professor Gena asked, immediately met with nearly the entire classes raised arms. She let out a satisfied sigh and scanned the room quickly. "Thomas."

"The Patronus is the most famous (and famously difficult) defensive charm. The aim is to produce a silvery-white guardian or protector, which takes the form of an animal. The exact form of the Patronus will not be apparent until the spell has been successfully cast. One of the most powerful defensive charms known to wizardkind, the Patronus can also be used as a messenger between wizards. As a pure, protective magical concentration of happiness and hope it is the only spell effective against Dementors. The majority of witches and wizards are unable to produce Patronuses and to do so is generally considered a mark of superior magical ability." Thomas read quickly, obviously eager to get to the wand-waving. Rosie yawned silently, looking the polar opposite of Lily, who was nearly hanging off the edge of her seat.

"Very good. Now I will explain the rest," Gena stood from her desk with her wand and began walking in the front of the classroom. "There are two types of Patronus', corporeal and non-corporeal. Corporeal Patronuses are extremely hard to conjure and take a large amount of skill and practice, so I only expect a non-corporeal form from you all," she explained. The class nodded along, James and Sirius smirking as they bet with each other who could accomplish corporeal first.

"Follow along with me, but do not cast anything." Gena lifted her wand and made a large spiral and announced "expecto patronum." A silver body of mist came from her wand, but there was no identifiable animal. The class stared at the mist in awe and immediately shouted to perform the corporeal one.

Gena closed her eyes, deep in thought, and cast the spell again, but could only form the non-corporeal form. She opened her eyes with a flushed face, staring at the underwhelmed students.

"As I said, it's very difficult. I just can't focus very much right now. You have to think of a very happy memory, one that brings joy to you," she tried to explain, awkwardly rubbing her forehead. "You can go practice now, partners and groups are ok." She told the class and walked back to her desk and stack of papers.

Lily tugged Rosie up from their desk and dragged her to an empty spot in the room. Rosie yelped in protest and rubbed her forearm gingerly.

"I know you can already do it, but you've gotta help me," said Lily eagerly to the drowsy Rosie. Rosie nodded and gripped her wand before doing a smaller spiral motion, a method Dumbledore taught her if she was in a rush. Barely whispering the spell, she cast the full-body charm, a large and hyper dog bouncing around the two, the figment bringing a smile to her face. Lily and other students stared at her in amazement.

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