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chapter four

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chapter four


"Rosie, what are you doing with Black?" 

Rosie looked up from her book and pondered in thought for a few moments. It had been a few weeks since she started her "make Sirius Black incredibly flustered" ploy, and she was sad to admit that she was actually having fun. In no way was she considering dating him (he was still incredibly childish), but she was definitely growing used to his presence.

"Nothing, Marlene. We're just friends." 

The blonde raised her perfectly styled brow in suspicion. "Friends? Four months ago you did everything in your power to avoid Potter and Black, and now you're friends?" the blonde asked incredulously. 

Rosie frowned at her persistence. "Well, I supposed that I should expand my circle," she said. "Plus, Black acts like that with a bunch of other girls anyways, doesn't he? Trust me, we're just friends."

"Well, it surely doesn't look like it," Marlene replied in a singing tone.

Rolling her eyes, Rosie said, "Shove off, we're just...playful." She winced as her voice halted a bit.

"Playful or trying to get rid of an extreme amount of sexual tension. The keyword is trying." Marlene smirked. Rosie rolled her eyes and shoved the blonde's shoulder lightly. "I'm glad you're stepping out of your comfort zone though. Last year you would've fainted if a boy other than Lupin or Snape sat next to you."

The dark-haired girl frowned at the harsh, but true point. "There is definitely no sexual tension. Plus, I'm only 15." 

"You guys definitely have something, even if you don't see it. Even Snape asked Lily if you were going out with Black," exclaimed Marlene, gaining the attention of a few passing students.

"Whatever." Rosie rolled her eyes. "Lily's on her way over with Severus." She smiled at an oncoming Lily and Severus and gave them a small wave. The former waved back with a smile while the latter gave a half-hearted wave back, his potions book in hand.

"Hey Rosie," Marlene started, gaining the long-haired girl's attention. "Can you help me with the Charms paper later? I know it was already due yesterday but I got an extension until Monday and I heard Flitwick boast about your grade," she asked sheepishly, a pleading look on her face.

"Sure," Rosie agreed with a bright smile, returning to her Transfiguration book.

"Rosie, I hope you don't mind, but I owled your mum to tell her about the year so far because I know you forgot," Lily smiled playfully. The younger Gryffindor girl was always lousy when it came to writing to her parents after she arrived at Hogwarts. She found herself so consumed by work that writing a letter traveled all the way to the back of her head.

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