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chapter sixteen

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chapter sixteen

Number one on the Marauders' agenda was to gain Rosie and Lily's forgiveness. That was already proving to be difficult to complete. No matter how hard the four tried, the two girls always found a way to brush them off.

James was the most frustrated out of the four. If he thought that Lily was ignoring him before, she was definitely ignoring him now. Sirius, who was also frustrated, remained a calmer composure and was noticeably less desperate around the two girls.

Aside from Peter, Remus had it the easiest. While Rosie was slightly irked with him for his silence, he was still her first best friend and she could never stay mad at him. As for Lily, she knew that he wasn't very much at fault.

However, it did annoy James and Sirius when the girls treated Remus like royalty in comparison to them, and this morning was no exception.

"Remus, would you like some rolls, I overheard some of the house-elves in the kitchen saying that they're trying a new recipe," Rosie offered, her hand carrying the tray full of warm, buttery rolls.

"Ok, thank you," he smiled as Rosie plopped on two large rolls onto his plate. Sirius stared incredulously at their interaction and huffed to himself.

"Say, Rosie, how would you li-" Sirius started, but was quickly shut down by Rosie who threw him a dark glare. "Ok, then," he muttered as he turned back to his plate.

"Hello, Rosie, Remus, Peter," Lily greeted as she took a seat next to Rosie, her red hair in a messy braid. 

"Oh, bloody hell!" James exclaimed hotly, his face red with annoyance.

"Now you're just making it obvious!" Sirius added from next to James, a half-playful frown resting on his face.

"Making what obvious?" Rosie and Lily asked in sync, both of them feigning innocence.

"Are you bloody serious," James groaned, rubbing his face with his hands frustratedly. Sirius turned to him with a smirk and began opening his mouth to make a smart remark, but James and the others at the table gave him a sharp look. He slowly closed his mouth and looked back to his plate for the second time that morning.

"Rosie, did you remember to write a letter to your parents?" Lily asked her, wondering if she would have to send out the letter she'd written last night to Rosie's parents. Rosie subtly looked around before turning to Lily.

"My parents don't want me to send any letters to them unless they send me one first, they're worried that they might get intercepted or something," Rosie whispered into her ear, a frown tugging at her lips.

"Oh," Lily said, her brows furrowing. That meant she ought to watch what she wrote today as well. Lily knew she wasn't exactly very popular in the wizarding world with her blood status and all. 

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