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This train ride back to Hogwarts was very different compared to Rosie's previous ones. It was her first without both Lily and Severus and she was missing the four loud boys who she quickly became fond of last year. The unusual quietness and much more empty compartment made her feel sick and she could tell that she wasn't the only one upset.

Lily sat across from her, her head resting against the glass window, patiently waiting before she would have to go to her Prefect's meeting. It was silent in their compartment, not an awkward one, just silence to remember their old friends.

There were times when Rosie would regret not making a greater effort to talk to Severus after the incident by the Black Lake. Her letters were half-hearted at best, and she could only imagine what his Slytherin friends would call her if she tried to approach him. Rosie also knew that her silent treatment towards James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter would not last very long, or at least for Remus and Peter. 

"Alright, well I'm off to the meeting," Lily announced as she stood. "Don't get too lonely in here," she added before exiting the compartment.

Rosie smiled and pulled out her book, figuring that she might as well get a head start during the long train ride. After a few serene moments of reading, her attention was grabbed from outside the compartment. She could hear the loud footsteps of Remus Lupin rushing to his meeting, and the dragging feet of Sirius Black, who was trying to prevent him from leaving.

Panicked over the chance that the two would see her, Rosie shut the curtains with her wand, but that only drew Sirius' attention. 

"Well...Moony, who do you say is in here?" Sirius smirked, his hand reaching towards the knob of the door. The knob turned slowly and Rosie watched as her heart raced.

Luckily, Remus took Sirius' distracted attention as means to get away and quickly ran from Sirius. A loud thud and a wince could be heard from outside the compartment.

"Remus!" Sirius shouted before running after him, leaving Rosie alone. She let out a breath and returned to her Transfiguration book. Before she started reading, she raised the curtains again just to check that no one was there. Once she saw that there was not another soul, she peacefully returned to reading.


"Please James," Sirius begged in their compartment.

James crossed his arms and tugged the cloak away from his friend. "No, I cross the line at stalking, sorry Sirius," he refused.

Sirius raised his brow. "That hasn't stopped you with Lily," he retorted sassily.

"Touché..." James narrowed his eyes at Sirius before reluctantly agreeing. James grabbed the cloak out of his case and slipped it over his and Sirius' head. He turned to Peter, who was watching them with an intrigued face.

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