twenty one

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twenty one

"So-uh, what do wanna do?" Sirius asked nervously, wringing his hands as he looked up at Rosie. 

Rosie looked up from the camera and smiled. "Would you like to take a picture?" she suggested with a playful grin. Sirius grinned and nodded. He leaned into Rosie's side and she leaned into his shoulder and smiled to the camera. Sirius relaxed his tense shoulders and formed a loose smile that was bordering on a smirk. Rosie snapped the picture and watched as it developed.

Sirius looked at her fondly, his eyes crinkling with happiness. 

However, that didn't last very long. He soon realized that he had absolutely nothing planned. He mentally hit himself. He was finally on a date with her and he had no bloody idea what to do. Even though he had played out dates a million times in his head, none of them compared to a few minutes of the real thing. Every flirting technique he'd learned from James, Fleamont, or the muggle magazines was thrown out of the window in his brain and he was left helpless. 

A million thoughts raced in his head. What if she doesn't like this? Is my hair ok? Should I hold her hand or put it on her back? What if she doesn't want me to touch her? What if she's allergic to the butterbeer and dies? Do I hold the door open for her? How close do I walk to her? Her parents just died, do I still ask her about her family and childhood? Do we talk about the past at all?

Rosie looked at Sirius' distraught face -- she couldn't tell if he was about to cry or if he was extremely constipated. "Are you alright?" she asked, bringing Sirius back to reality. 

Sirius coughed loudly and nodded frantically. "Hmm..oh yeah. Are you, by any chance, allergic to butterbeer?" he asked, mentally kicking himself.

Rosie furrowed her brows in confusion and shook her head. " least I hope not," she answered, a playful smile on her lips. Sirius nodded and exhaled lightly, one of his questions answered. "May I ask why?" Rosie curiously added.

"Just wondering..." Sirius said, trailing off, a blush creeping on his cheeks. Rosie chuckled and grabbed his hand. Sirius inhaled sharply at the sudden contact, his eyes widening slightly. He cleared his throat and rambled, "What do you think we should do first? We could go to the bookshop, the Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes, or wherever. Wherever is cool. It's all"

Rosie snorted at his awkwardness and patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Hmmm. Honeydukes? I'm in the mood for something sweet," she suggested, sensing his desperation for her to take over the conversation,

"Great!" Sirius squeaked. His mouth dropped open in horror at the sound that just left his mouth. It was like he was going through puberty in second year all over again. Rosie merely giggled and grabbed his hand.

Together, the two walked to the candy store, hand in hand. Sirius unlatched his hand from Rosie's and held open the door for her, accidentally smacking the door on someone's face. His eyes widened in surprise and Rosie stifled back a laugh. Sirius quickly reacted and helped the small boy up. The young boy stood up and rubbed his red forehead with his hand. To say Sirius looked mortified would be an understatement. 

"A-are you alright?" Rosie asked the boy with a smile, checking his forehead for any possible bleeding. He blushed from her concern and nodded.

"I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention," Sirius apologized profusely. He wasn't sure what was more embarrassing, the fact that he had hit a small third year smack in the head or that he had embarrassed himself right in front of Rosie on their first date. 

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