thirty one

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thirty one

After being asked the serious question by Dumbledore out of nowhere, Rosie had a restless night. She wondered if she said the right thing. How would it affect her and her friends' life? She didn't know how much of an effect her answer had on Dumbledore's opinion (he had a habit of asking questions he already knew the answer to), but she figured that it probably meant something if he asked her.

Rosie didn't know if yes was the right answer. She knew that they all wanted to do something, to fight for the greater good, but didn't know if they wanted to really do something. James and Sirius would definitely accept, but would Lily and Remus? Would Peter? They may be as brave as the other two, but had different plans and had different risks. Remus, who was already worrying about the impact of his lycanthropy and his sick mother. Lily, who wanted to keep her muggle family as safe as possible. Peter, who wasn't nearly as skilled as the others, would he be willing to risk his life?

Rosie sighed and turned over from her side to face the ceiling. Well, it's up to them and what they choose. But what will they think once they know that I've been in it this entire time? she wondered. Rosie shut her eyes and tried to fall asleep normally, but the screaming thoughts in her mind didn't allow her to shut down. Swinging her legs over the bed, she sat up and grabbed her wand, resorting to using a sleeping charm on herself to rest.

Her body fell limp on her bed, her position odd as her legs hung over the edge of the bed, her upper body twisting and resting on the pillows, and her arm - and wand - laying over her stomach. She decided that uncomfortable sleep was better than none at all.


Rosie woke up later than usual, her form still in the same odd shape from last night. The other girls stared at her body with confused expressions, wondering how and why Rosie fell asleep in such disarray. Eventually, she woke up and wasted no time preparing for classes. Lily, being the kind friend she was, stayed behind and waited for her tired friend.

They ran to the Great Hall and grabbed something quick to eat as they rushed to Transfiguration. They made it just in time and rushed into their seats at the front, no one paying much attention to them as Professor McGonagall walked around.

"Today we will be practicing and learning a difficult spell. Now, follow these instructions carefully as I will not repeat them," she started off, looking at everyone with raised eyebrows for a response. Everyone nodded quickly and whipped out their books. Professor McGonagall stopped her pacing in the front of the classroom. "Now...Miss Winters, could you help me?" Professor McGonagall asked. Rosie nodded and walked to the front of the room, all eyes on her and McGonagall.

"Now, Miss Winters. Point your wand at me and repeat these words. Abeo cultivate." 

Rosie nodded at the instructions and did as said. Just as everyone expected, she did it flawlessly. 

"Good job, Ms. Winters," Professor McGonagall praised, her body blending in with her surroundings as a chameleon would. A few seconds later, Professor McGonagall reversed the spell and returned to normal, turning to the amazed students.

"Everyone, find a partner, and practice the spell. No goofing around!" she ordered, looking directly at James and Sirius as she said the last part. They only smirked cheekily and left their seats to the empty spot where Remus and Peter were.

Rosie walked towards Lily and began practicing with her. With every successful or unsuccessful spell, McGonagall would come around and reverse the spell. The rest of the class hour consisted of practicing, a few of the students getting the spell and others still in dire need of practice.

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