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chapter six

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chapter six


It was a normal morning for the Gryffindor students as they ate breakfast peacefully, the marauders discussing their latest prank while Lily and Rosie checked each other's homework. In the midst of dung bomb preorders and essay comparisons, the owls arrived, each flying in with packages ranging from small letters to large boxes.

Lily nudged Rosie's side, asking, "Rosie, what's your owl got?" 

Rosie turned her head and saw her black and white owl, Megara, carrying a medium-sized package that was probably from her parents. Megara dropped the package on her lap and perched on her shoulder, waiting for a treat. After Rosie gave the spoiled owl a chunk of her biscuit, she flew away.

Rosie opened the package and pulled out a few thin books along with a container of fudge and a note from her father saying to enjoy the gifts.

"What's The Amazing Spider-Man and The Avengers and Iron-Man and The X-Men?" Sirius asked, inspecting the books in the package over Rosie's shoulder. Sirius, much to Rosie's dismay, chose to sit right next to her and continued to act as if he had never kissed her and that the status of their relationship wasn't in the air. Normally, Rosie would be annoyed, but it didn't matter to her in this moment because her father just gifted her one of his most valued belongings.

"No way," Lily and Rosie said simultaneously, their voices both matching each other's shock.

"Dad gave me his comic books," Rosie whispered, shocked. Alexander's Marvel comic book collection was one of his most prized possessions from the United States. Rosie swore he loved the comics more than her—he once cried for two days because he thought he lost one of his Spider-Man comics.

"Hey, I know what these are. I remember seeing them in some muggle stores that I've passed when I visited New York," James chimed in, eyeing the shiny books with great curiosity.

"Yeah, they're comic books," Lily stated matter-of-factly, grabbing the books from Sirius' hands.

James, happy that Lily actually talked to him without throwing in an insult, smiled widely and turned to Sirius. "On other news, Halloween is just around the corner. What do you reckon we should do, Pads?" the bespectacled boy asked, a mischievous smirk on his face. 

Instantly, Rosie groaned and shoved her head in her hands. "If you guys have a party, then getting McGonagall's permission is in your hands. Please don't involve me in it." 

James pouted at her dramatically. "But you're our Prefect, and McGonagall likes you," he whined.

Remus' jaw dropped, mildly offended. "Hey! What about me?" he exclaimed from the other side of James.

"Sorry mate, but we all know that our little Rosie here is a total teacher's pet, even more than you," Sirius responded with a shrug.

"What?! I am not a teachers p-"

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