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What the hell?

That was the only question Rosie had as she was shoved inside what she assumed was a broom closet, knocking right into Sirius. 

"Oomph. Sorry, Sirius," Rosie apologized as she stood up. She rubbed her head and looked around the dark room. Perfect. All she wanted was to eat supper (all the roast talk from Lily made her quite hungry) and now she was in a broom closet with Sirius. 

"Would you happen to know why we're in here?" asked Sirius, observing the small closet with mild annoyance.

"No, I thought you would," Rosie sighed, trying to open the door. Much to her annoyance, the doorknob wouldn't even budge.

"Locked, just like I thought," Sirius groaned, rubbing his face in exasperation.

"Remus! Lily! Let us out!" Rosie shouted, hoping that they could hear her.

"No!" Remus shouted back. 

Rosie's eyebrows raised in shock. "Why?!" she asked incredulously. This was horrible. She definitely wasn't ready to face Sirius yet.

"Not until you settle your differences!" Remus exclaimed. 

"What differences?" Sirius asked, hoping it wasn't what he thought. 

"You know," Remus said, a smug grin evident in his voice.

"Fine," said Rosie, crossing her arms and turning towards Sirius. "Sirius, I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you for months because what you did to my friend was wrong," she apologized, sarcasm dripping in her words.

"Yeah and I'm sorry that I did it to him even though he completely deserved it!" Sirius fired back, causing Rosie to narrow her eyes at him.

"Happy?!" Rosie yelled to Remus, not wanting to be in Sirius' presence any longer. How come the boy she liked had to be so bloody dense?


"Remus!" Sirius shouted.

"Just let us out!" Rosie shouted, shaking the doorknob, hoping that it would magically unlock.

"Now you know I can't do that, my children," Remus smirked.

Rosie scoffed in frustration and sat down, facing away from Sirius stubbornly. There was no way she was going to apologize when she wasn't in the wrong.

"Ok, well, why don't you go on and apologize first?" she said after a while had passed. The two were both sitting on opposite walls in the closet, the only light between them from the tiny crack between the door and the ground.

Sirius scoffed and Rosie turned around in frustration. "Me?! Why me? You're the one that's been avoiding me for months," he sputtered, unwilling to apologize.

Rosie looked at him in disbelief. "Because of what you did, unless you've seemed to have forgotten?" she said with a raised brow.

"Yes, I have," huffed Sirius, stubbornly crossing his arms.

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