twenty three

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twenty three

Dear Miss Winters,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to my Slug Club dinner! You have shown me true promise in your wizarding skills and continue to impress me with every class you attend. You, among others, will have the opportunity to join me for a nice dinner where we will discuss yourselves and other topics that might spring up. I hope that you can attend!

Friday, November 26

7:00 to 9:00 P.M.

Attire is Formal

Horace Slughorn

Rosie read the letter again and smiled. She had heard her parents talking about the exclusive club before and was overjoyed that she could share one more thing in common with them. She turned to Lily, who was already searching for something to wear.

"Formal attire? What does that even mean?" asked Lily in a panicked tone, her clothes flying left and right.

"Formal...attire? I'm guessing," Rosie said with a smile, to which Lily turned to look at her with a playful glare.

"But what does it mean?" the redhead asked to no one in particular.

"Lily, all your dresses are fine. You could go wrong with none of them," Rosie said genuinely. Directly after, Lily revealed an extremely shimmery and sparkly gold dress that was less than flattering. "Except for maybe that."

"Remind me to burn this dress," Lily said, cringing at the hideous strip of bedazzled material.

"Why don't you wear your green dress that brings out your eyes and suits your hair," Rosie suggested, remembering the dress they had bought together the previous summer.

"I can't find it," Lily told her, shrugging.

"Are you a witch or not? Remember we have a certain spell called 'Accio'?" Rosie asked teasingly. She stood from her bed and walked towards their shared closet. "Accio Lily's green dress." The dress came flying towards Rosie, who quickly shifted out of the dress' way.

"Thanks," said Lily, hitting herself in her mind for not thinking about using her wand to find the dress.

"No problem," said Rosie, sitting back on her bed.

"What are you going to wear?" Lily asked Rosie while slipping the dress onto a hanger.

"Honestly, I'm not quite sure," Rosie admitted, still thinking about any of her suitable articles of clothing.

"What about your red dress?" Lily suggested to her, a loud noise and steam coming from her wand as she steamed the wrinkles out of the fabric.

"What red dress?" Rosie asked, not recalling ever owning a red dress.

"You know, the bright red one, looks really good on you. Makes you like a royal princess," Lily explained, remembering the previous summer and the dress her mother had bought her. Rosie's heart panged at the thought of her mother and wearing the dress she had bought for her.

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