twenty seven

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twenty seven

Sirius was screwed. 

Sirius hated himself and he wanted nothing more than to be hit with the killing curse.

It was one mistake. One mistake. It was supposed to teach him a lesson. The slimy snake had to keep his big nose out of their business.

Sirius thought he was doing Remus a favor.

But Sirius was wrong.

"What's wrong with you, Sirius? He could've been killed! You're lucky you weren't expelled!"

Sirius groaned and rubbed at his red eyes. "I didn't know that would happen, James! I just wanted to teach him a lesson! You know he's been sticking his nose into our business!"

James groaned and grabbed Sirius by the shoulders. "How could you be so irresponsible, Sirius? Do you know how Remus feels right now? Snivellus could've died! And you know Remus would blame himself for the rest of his life!"


James glowered at his friend. "Don't raise your voice like you're not at fault, Sirius. What you did was wrong! It was wrong and you're lucky that Dumbledore didn't expel you."

Sirius narrowed his eyes. "I was helping us. Now Snivellus knows better than to interfere in our business! And I have detentions for life now, are you happy, James?"

James huffed in frustration and disappointment. "You weren't helping any of us! You were trying to settle a petty difference I thought we put behind us earlier this year! I won't be surprised if Snape doesn't go and tell everyone in Hogwarts! Then how will Moony feel, huh?"

Sirius scoffed. "He won't tell anyone! Dumbledore had him swear that he wouldn't! It doesn't matter anymore, James!"

James sighed in exasperation. "Sirius, just admit that you were wrong! Snape wouldn't have found out anyways -- we're always careful! It was reckless and you could've ruined Moony for life. Do you hear me, Sirius? For LIFE."

Sirius sat down on his bed turned away from James, incredibly annoyed and upset. James breathed out in annoyance, whispering, "Think it over, Sirius. When you're ready to apologize, I don't guarantee we'll be there."

Sirius sighed inaudibly, laying down and closing his eyes in frustration, pushing his tears back. He hoped it would all be better in the morning.

Unfortunately, it was not better in the morning. It seemed that the one person he hoped would not find out found out.

"Sirius, I don't understand. I thought you put your bullying antics behind you. How could you be so cruel?" said Rosie, looking at him with angry eyes.

"I didn't mean for it to happen! I just wanted to teach him to stay out of our business!" exclaimed Sirius, looking at the Gryffindor fireplace.

Rosie sighed. "He could have died, Sirius! Enemies or not, you can't be that reckless!"

"You don't think I know that by now? It's the only damn thing I've thought about the last 12 hours!" 

"Don't raise your voice at me, Sirius."

Sirius groaned in frustration and put his hands in his hair frustratedly, tugging at his scalp.

Rosie exhaled and grabbed his hands, lowering them into his lap. "Don't do that, it's bad for your hair," she whispered, looking at his sad face. "Remus is very upset with you. They all are. I don't expect them to forgive you anytime soon."

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