twenty four

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twenty four

Time was flashing by Rosie's eyes and before she could even blink, it was nearly Christmas. She sat with Lily and the boys in the Great Hall, none of them quite ready for the work-heavy week, but all of them excited to finally go on break. The dark-haired girl looked around the almost empty hall. Most students had already given up at this point of the semester - especially the older students - and didn't bother to wake up as early.

Her concentration was moved from the empty hall to the ginormous tree that Professor Flitwick was decorating. It seemed like the Christmas Tree always looked even more glamorous from the last year's - thanks to Professor Flitwick and Hagrid's stellar eye for large and fluffy trees.

"Wow, looks like almost all of us have letters," said James, bringing Rosie's attention back to their group and up to the flying owls overhead. Five owls were headed to their section, all with thin envelopes. They dropped them on the table and quickly flew away in a V-formation. Remus', James', Sirius', Lily's, and Rosie's name were written on the envelopes in fancy writing that they recognized to be Slughorn's. Rosie grabbed hers, the rest following after her.

Dear Rosie, it is with my greatest pleasure to invite you to my annual exclusive Slug Club Christmas Party. It will take place on the 17th of this month, which is also the last day before Winter Break! I do hope that you can attend! Refreshments and music will be provided.

Friday, December 17th

8:00-10:00 PM

Formal Attire

Rosie noticed that this letter was a lot less formal and more personally written, which warmed her heart a bit. She looked up and nudged Lily. 

"Did you get this, too?" she asked. Lily nodded and showed her. Rosie nodded and figured that the boys probably got the same invitation as well. She looked at Remus, who was tucking the letter into his cardigan pocket, then to James and Sirius, both of them smirking and nodding along to each other.

"Rosie?" Lily asked with a smile, directing Rosie's eyes back to her.

"Hmm?" she asked, looking down at her breakfast.

"What does formal attire mean?" 


Rosie and Lily quickly exited their Arithmancy class, thankfully having finished their obscene amount of homework in class. They were on their way to the Library, where they usually spent their free period after Arithmancy, and were nearly there before they were stopped by James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

"Hello," James said with a cheeky grin.

"Hi..." Lily greeted him cautiously, confused as to why they stopped them and why they were going to the library.

"We were going to do this inside, but I didn't feel like getting kicked out again," said Remus with a shrug, the others nodding along. Rosie and Lily looked at each other, both sharing the same confused expression.

"Do what?" Rosie asked them, not entirely sure if she wanted to see or hear the answer to her question.

Sirius only smirked and took out his wand. He put it to his mouth - well, the hollows of his cheeks - and opened his mouth.

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