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"You have to believe us!" James exclaimed, bringing up the same topic that had been floating around since the train ride back to Hogwarts.

"Oh c'mon, this again? It's almost March! You've been talking about the bloody trolley lady for the past two months!" Rosie exclaimed, already sick of the recurring topic.

"Because it's true! You have to believe us! And if you can't believe James, Peter, and me," Sirius gestured to themselves in order. "Then you can believe Remus!" He pointed his finger at Remus, arms flailing wildly. Remus merely nodded in agreement - he was getting quite bored of this conversation too.

"Sorry, Remus and boys. But, this is just too unbelievable and kind of made up, even for you four. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got business to attend to." Rosie stood up from the benches of the Gryffindor table, gathering her books and bags. She quickly walked out of the great hall, and to potions.

"Hi Professor Slughorn, how are you today?" Rosie asked, setting her bag down on a random desk.

"Oh, yes, yes, I'm quite fine, dear," he answered while moving around in the front, placing different ingredients everywhere. "How are you?" he asked as he turned around and set down the bubbling mini cauldron.

"Quite fine, pretty tired though," Rosie responded, sitting down on the desk.

"Well, I could imagine. With professors assigning homework and tests left and right," he laughed.

Rosie laughed along halfheartedly. "Professor, do you mind if I ask why you called me in here?" she inquired.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to help me in making these two potions. They are quite difficult to brew, but you are a natural-born potioneer. It is, after all, in your blood." Professor Slughorn gave her a smile, obviously talking about her father.

"Well, you're not wrong," Rosie chuckled while walking over.

"Now, as I've heard, it's almost Mister Potter's birthday! In a short two weeks, yes?" he wondered, looking to Rosie for confirmation.

Rosie sighed, she was officially known by association. "Yes, I've actually been trying to plan something, but it's hard to plan a party for someone who's constantly around," she said. James had been around more lately, well all of them have. Especially Sirius, not that Rosie minded that much.

Slughorn nodded before further questioning, "How has Mister Snape been? I haven't seen him around you and Ms. Evans in a while." 

"I'm not quite sure. After the incident last year, he tries to dodge me. I think it might be that he's scared to lose me," Rosie quickly shut her mouth before she could spill anything else. She always had a problem with saying more than needed. 

"Ah, well. Let's get to work!" Professor Slughorn dismissed the topic and laid out the ingredients.


"Lily,  I know you don't like him very much, but it's his birthday tomorrow!" Rosie tried to convince the stubborn redhead. "C'mon, even Marlene's in on it."

"No way. Why would I help that arrogant toerag?" Lily exclaimed in disgust, shocked that she would even suggest for her to help him in any way.

"Because I'm your best friend and the party planner, and you love me," Rosie attempted to reason, pouting her lips slightly.

"Ugh! Fine, but I'm not doing it for him," she grumbled, crossing her arms.

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