twenty nine

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twenty nine

"It has come to my attention that you guys are hiding something from me," Rosie said to the four boys, who were all stuck to James' bed. They looked around nervously at each other and unconsciously looked towards Remus' nightstand. Rosie raised her eyebrow and walked to the stand. She opened the top drawer and was met by the same piece of parchment they had dropped only an hour before. 

"What is this piece of parchment and why is it so important that you guys have to hide it from me?" she asked. They awkwardly looked at each other and James cleared his throat.

"It's nothing, it's just blank, spare piece of parchment." 

Rosie raised her eyebrow at his weak excuse and took out her wand.

"Reveal your secrets." The page began to fill with ink and Rosie quickly read the word 'Blank.'

"Blank? Are you serious?" she asked, looking at the four boys who were about to explode with laughter.

"Why yes, I-"

"Shut up, Sirius."

"We're not telling you yet, Rosie," Remus laughed.

"Pleaaase. I've been such a nice person. I've supported you at all of your games, tutored you, given you homework answers, and I've even kissed one of you, a lot," she pouted, glancing towards Sirius during her last words.

"That's me," he smirked giddily.

"We're afraid that you're not going to react as well as we hope," Remus admitted to her. 

Rosie raised her brow curiously and crossed her arms. "Why? What is it?"

"You'll have to unstick us from the bed to find out," James told her, a playful smile on his face.

Rosie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "No way! Last time I did that you all ambushed me and nearly suffocated me to death."

"-with hugs!" Peter added positively.

"We promise we won't ambush and suffocate you to death," James assured her.

"Really? You don't want to break my trust now, especially you, Sirius," Rosie said, looking directly at Sirius with a threatening look, which quickly turned into a sly wink a second later. 

"Yes, we promise!" he exclaimed, an awkward laugh escaping him after the others gave him an odd look.

"Alright..." Rosie grabbed her wand and undid the charm. They stood in relief as they could finally move their legs without lifting the bed and falling over. Remus opened his hand and Rosie extended her arm over to him and dropped it in his palm.

"Just so you know, this isn't as creepy as it may seem," Sirius suddenly said. Rosie furrowed her brows and watched the parchment intently.

James raised his wand and placed it against the paper. "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good." Ink spread across the page, writing and intricate drawings filled the parchment and new sections unfurled. In bold writing on the first page read 'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map.' 

"Marauders Map?" she wondered aloud, looking up at the four boys. James unfolded the front of the map, revealing an intricate map filled with all the rooms in the castle, including the people. Rosie's eyes furrowed at the footprints and the names before realizing the exact charm used.

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