thirty six

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thirty six

This could not be happening. 

Of course, just after the love of her life proposed to her, Kingsley Shacklebolt sent her an urgent patronus stating that there was an emergency at the Ministry of Magic.

Immediately, the couple rushed out of bed and hauled ass to the disclosed location -- the ministry, where Marlene and Kingsley were scheduled to guard the Department of Mysteries.

To no surprise, they were immediately greeted by bright flashes of spells.

Rosie yelped and jumped out of the way of an incoming bright red stream of light, stupefying the caster nonverbally. She then assessed the scene -- it looked like an ambush. The amount of death eaters outnumbered the order members and the dark wizards were much more prepared than usual. 

Quickly, she jumped out of her hiding spot and moved to help Frank, who was fighting off three death eaters on her own. Sneaking behind the masked men, she roughly knocked them to the side, rendering them unconscious.

Frank, out of breath, looked up at Rosie gratefully. "Thanks," he panted, moving towards Alice, who was hobbling around on what appeared to be a broken ankle. 

"Rosie! Look out!" 

Rosie whipped her head around, barely dodging a bright green jet of light. She exhaled in relief and ran frantically towards Sirius, throwing random jinxes to the masked men at her sides

It was a constant battle of spells being thrown left and right as more and more death eaters arrived and the Order's defense became weaker. Soon, it became apparent that Rosie was their last hope as it was only her and Marlene left standing.

Rosie willingly took on four death eaters at once, easily disarming them and knocking them unconscious. With a happy smile, she turned to Marlene just as she heard two words.

"Avada Kadavra!"


Rosie screamed as she watched Marlene's lifeless body hit the ground.

And that's when everything collapsed. 

Fueled with rage, Rosie ran towards her friends killer and pounced on them, her wand pointed right at their neck.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now! One!"

"You're outnumbered."

Suddenly, Rosie was pulled off his body and thrown into the arms of two other people.

"The Dark Lord will be very pleased with us," one of them said.

Rosie panicked as she stared at Marlene's dead body and her other unconscious friends. She looked at Sirius, whose arms were held back by two masked men, and Alice, who had a wand pressed to her neck. They had failed. She had failed.

She couldn't let this happen. She wouldn't let Marlene die for nothing and there was no way she was going to let Voldemort's forces win. 

Rosie, with all the force she had inside of her, pushed herself out of the death eaters' grips, immediately disarming them after. Knowing that she was outnumbered by at least twelve to one, Rosie did what she thought was best.

She formed a gigantic ball of fire, sending streaks of flames towards the panicked death eaters. She watched gleefully as they fled from the fiery blazes and attempted fruitlessly at putting the fire out. Individually, lines of fire targeted the remaining death eaters, singing their cloaks.

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