twenty six

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twenty six

"Where's Petunia?" 

Lily sighed from her dresser. "She's probably off with Vernon, remember him?" she answered, sifting through her drawers for her hairbrush that she had forgotten to bring in the beginning of the school year.

"Oh, yeah, will she be home soon?" Rosie asked from Lily's closet, assisting in the search for the brush.

"Probably in time for dinner," Lily replied after a few minutes of thought. "Why?"

"Great! I've got something for her," said Rosie excitedly.

Lily dropped the item she was holding and sighed, turning to look at Rosie's back. "You know she'll just throw it away, right?" she asked.

"I know, but I'd feel bad if I didn't have something for her," Rosie explained, looking through more clothes before finding the coveted brush. "Found it!"

After a few hours of talking, watching TV, and listening to popular muggle music from The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and The Rolling Stones, it was finally time for dinner. During dinner, they had nice conversations and gave presents, where some ended up in the tree and some in the trash can.

Rosie's time at the Evans' household was fun but short-lived. Eventually, on Christmas Eve, a certain Remus Lupin went to retrieve Rosie. He knocked on the wooden door of the house, staring at his toes until Rosie opened the door.

"Remus!" she greeted, tackling him into a hug. Remus laughed and hugged her back, careful not to get any snow from his jacket onto her clothes. Once they released from their hug, Rosie put her trunk on the floor of the porch and slipped on her coat. After saying goodbye and exchanging hugs with Lily, the two were off to James.

"Sorry you couldn't end up staying at my place for the time being. I had my...monthly and my mum is still a little under the weather," said Remus.

Rosie smiled and put her hand on Remus' shoulder supportively. "It's fine, Rem. I'm just glad you're feeling better."

They walked happily alongside each other until they unknowingly reached a more stranded area, their surroundings unclear to them. Remus stuck his wand into the air and the sound of a faint honk entered their ears. In less than a second, a large, blue bus was in front of them.

They quickly boarded the bus with the assistance of the boarding conductor and Rosie found a bed to sit on while Remus went up to the driver.

"Potter House, please," Remus told the conductor, who put it into his machine and gave Remus a receipt for 2 sickles. After paying the conductor, Remus walked up to the bed Rosie was sat on. "I don't want to give anything away or surprise you, but I think Sirius has something planned for you," he said, a cheeky grin taking over his smile.

Rosie raised her brow and turned to directly face him. "Oh, really?" she asked sarcastically.

"Yep, and he's pretty excited about it, too," he answered, his voice turning into a sing-song tone towards the end.

"That's great, mind telling me what it is?" Rosie suggested slyly, scooting closer to him.

"I don't know what it is," Remus told her, raising his hands into the air. 

"Please, Remus, you guys tell each other everything," said Rosie.

"Not this time, he wanted to surprise all of us," Remus explained to her. Rosie sighed, seeing that he was genuinely honest and nodded reluctantly.

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