thirty seven

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thirty seven

The Attack at Godric's Hollow (October 31, 1981)

It all happened so fast. The news of the attack reached Sirius and Rosie almost instantly after it had happened. Instant panic had set into their bones for two reasons as they realized that it may not have only been their best friends that were in danger, but also their child.

Rosie did not have many regrets in life, but one of the few would be deciding to leave Leila with the Potter's for that evening. Sirius and Rosie were desperate for a night to themselves, and Leila was an exceptionally fussy baby. Any time they spent at home was constantly spent with their newborn, not that they truly minded, but they so badly desired time to themselves for just one full evening. However, life had other plans for them.

Sirius and Rosie spared no time at all in getting to Godric's Hollow. They ran up the street towards the crowd surrounding the half destructed house, some muggles, and some wizards. The two ran up to the first man they recognized - Dumbledore.

"What's happened? Is Leila alright? Where are James, Lily, and Harry?" Rosie sputtered while fighting back tears. Much to their relief, Hagrid walked towards them with two children in his arms, Leila and Harry.

Rosie and Sirius let out a breath of relief, some tension lifting from their shoulders. But one question was left unanswered. Where were James and Lily?

Dumbledore's silence was enough of an answer as they sobbed in realization. Their best friends were gone. Sirius' eyes lit with anger and betrayal as a sudden realization entered his mind.

"It was Peter! That bloody bastard revealed their location! He was their secret-keeper! I was too obvious of a choice! It was Peter!" he breathed out, rage and hurt evident in his voice.

"Mr. Black...they cannot locate Pettigrew," Dumbledore spoke gravely, "Ministry authorities are looking for you."

Sirius and Rosie looked at him with disbelief, shock embedded in their faces.

"There's no way they'll think it's Sirius! They've been best friends since first year! He would never betray them...he would rather die! I can vouch for him! I was there after they decided on making Peter their secret-keeper! Sirius came home and told me straight away!" Rosie collapsed onto Sirius as she cried in his defense. She would fight for Sirius to the ends of the earth. 

Sirius wrapped his arms around her comfortingly and massaged her shoulders as he cried in silent rage and sorrow, his mind in anguish and confusion over what he could do next.

"Would you like to see them?" Dumbledore asked gently. 

The crying couple nodded and followed him slowly into the cottage. Hagrid looked to them and nodded downwards, a silent message indicating that he would wait outside for them with the children.

As they stepped into the home, they were unpleasantly greeted by James' dead body. Sirius dropped to his knees as he saw his best friend. "Oh James," he whispered, taking his cold hand into his, "I'm sorry, James, I've failed you," Sirius wept quietly. His eyes raked over the lifeless body as memories flooded through his head. Dinner with the Potters, breaks spent with the Potters, quidditch with James, pranks with James, it all rushed into his fragmenting mind.

Rosie cried quietly over Sirius while rubbing his shoulders. James was very much like an older brother to her and she owed much of her happiness to him. 

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