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Rosie sat with a book in the small, cozy nook in the Hogwarts Library. It was the beginning of her free period, and she knew that Lily was bound to find her at any minute. She knew that she should be doing her homework while she had time, but the book was just too good and she couldn't find it in her heart to put it down.

It was one of the books that just made her forget about the world around her and all her worries disappear. It distracted her from her anxiety of being alone and paranoia from the war.

Her new fascination with the book had sent her to immediately send a letter to her parents telling them to order the book and series immediately so she could read them at home. While her parents had told her to not write any letters, she figured that something as trivial and small as that would be fine to send.

"Rosie, is that you?" Lily asked, bringing Rosie to look up from where her head had been hanging down at the pages in front of her. Rosie smiled in response and closed the book, but was sure to set a bookmark between the pages to mark where she had left off.

"Alright, what should we do first? Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, or Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Lily wondered as they both gathered into seats on the small, wooden table.

"I reckon we should start with Potions to get the essay out of the way," Rosie answered after considering their options and which assignment she would want to eliminate first.

"Ok, and then Runes?" Lily suggested, desperate to get rid of the horrid worksheet that their dreadful Professor had given them.

"Sure, that should be enough to take up the entire period," Rosie sighed as she gazed longingly at her book. She greatly preferred reading over doing her assignment.

The two NEWT level students continued to work on their essay on the Elixir to Induce Euphoria potion for a while until their attention was brought to the noise of Madam Pince and the voices of three certain boys.

"Mister Potter, I request you to exit the library immediately! I will not tolerate your behavior and antics with Mr. Black, Lupin, and Pettigrew. Please take it outside of my library and books!" 

"But we were reading!" Sirius whined.

"And by reading you mean whispering so loudly that I'm sure that India could hear you and building an explosive?!" Madam Pince asked loudly.

"Yes, we were reading on how to build an explosive...and trying to demonstrate it to each other," James said slowly. Rosie could see in her head that he was nodded slowly with a large shit-eating grin on his face.

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