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There was a white van waiting outside of the elementary school that the three children went too. It's two thirty in the afternoon, school has ended and students have started to leave campus. (Y/n) waited for her twin brothers outside of the school building


Hyun-ki called out for her to grab her attention,she turned her head to look at him and waved happily,Hyun-ki and Hyun-shik were her only twin brothers. They all stuck together since they only had each other,they headed out of the school grounds and went to a near store to buy snacks for the weekend


"What's the plan?"

"Jimin,V,and Jungkook,go after them and do what you got to do"

The three young males nodded,they opened the car door,hopping off and started to follow the children,waiting for the right moment to snatch them away


Hyun-ki whined about school while (y/n) was giggling and Hyun-shik complained on how he should shut up. They were about to enter the store until they felt a pair of hands on their eyes and their arms being pulled behind on their back and get tighten together by their wrists by another hand

"Don't scream and nothing bad will happen"

Jimin whispered harshly,which sent shivers down the children spines. He was holding onto (y/n) while V and Jungkook were holding onto the twins. The three males free their hands from their designated child wrists,that they were holding together so they wouldn't escape from them,and got out a single cloth from their back pocket that had a sleeping drug all in it to drug the children to sleep. They put the cloth over each of the children noses but the children had begun to make a fuss as they had hoped to free themselves from them. They struggled to free themselves as each male tighten their grip on each of them but soon enough the children started to give up as their bodies was growing weak. When the three males took notice of the children already slumping in their arms,they took off their hands from the children's eyes and proceeded to pick them up and carry them back to their van.


(Y/n) slowly opened her eyes,her vision was blurry as she was looking straight down at her thighs. She started to blink a couple of times to clear up her vision and slowly lifted her head up,she felt an aching pain on the back of her neck and thought it was probably from her head hanging down for a while now. She took a look at everything in front of her and noticed she was in a small room which seemed like a living room. There was a small coffee table in the center,the walls were painted white as it had a couple of large paintings hanging on them,there was a large brown bookshelf across the room from her perspective,and there was two red couches. She tried to move her arms from behind her as they felt stiff but something was preventing her from moving them,she took a glance at her arms and saw a thick rope tied around her wrists,she softly sighed annoyed and then noticed Hyun-shik and Hyun-ki were on each side of her,sitting quietly

"You guys finally woke up"

A deep voice spoke out,a tall male with broad wide shoulders, walked into the room from a hallway,followed by six other guys behind him. The three children looked up at him a bit nervous but didn't speak back

" I don't bite, my name is Jin"




Jin looked at them satisfied and then looked over at one of the males behind him,who had his eyes covered by big wide black glasses. Jin nodded at him and the male stepped forward,now standing beside Jin, and faced the children

"I'm Rap monster,the leader of Bangtan"

The children eyes slightly widen in surprise as they stared at him,Bangtan was a pretty known gang but wasn't seen much. The children eyes moved from Rap monster to the rest of the members behind him and Seokjin. They gulped in fear as they all looked back at them with a deadly glare

"Now we kidnapped you three for a reason,you're the children of that rich man. All we want is that he gives us money and we will return you back to him"

The children raised an eyebrow in confusion and looked at each other as it looked like they were speaking to each other by their facial expressions,then they looked back at Rap monster and shook their heads. He raised an eyebrow surprised and folded his arms together

"You see"

"That old hag hates us"

"But if all you want is money then let us stay with you guys"

"We just kidnapped you and now you want to stay with us?"

"Well it's either that or no money"

(Y/n) smiled softly after her comment,all the members were staring at them suspicious,it's new seeing children making deals with a gang. Rap monster looked back at Jin who shrugged,Rap monster softly sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose

"Where are you kids getting the money?"

"We have access to his bank account and also have a black card"

"Well isn't he a dumbass"

The children laughed at Jin comment and nodded,they explained to Jin and Rap monster where the card was located at in their school bag,once both of them found it,Jin ordered three of the other members to untie the children. Rap monster and another male walked away with the black card in hand and left the room they were in,while the others stayed with the children in awkwardness
I'm writing this at 2:06 in the morning...

 Rap monster and another male walked away with the black card in hand and left the room they were in,while the others stayed with the children in awkwardness ---------------------------I'm writing this at 2:06 in the morning

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