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Sehun ended up carrying (y/n) in the car,he noticed her cheeks were bright red and she was shivering. He looked at her in a worried expression, she had developed a fever. Chanyeol offered his room for her to stay in, most of the time it would be Sehun,Chanyeol,and Xiumin taking turns checking on her. Half of the members left to go buy some extra stuff and then some left to go burry the bodies of the other three dead members. Leaving Kai and D.O in charge of (y/n),they were in the kitchen waiting for the rest to come back, D.O remembered about (y/n) and decided to go check up on her. (Y/n) slowly woke up and looked around the room,all she remembered was passing out in Sehun arms. The door suddenly opened revealing a new face

"You finally woke up?"

(Y/n) looked at D.O and slowly nodded,he came towards her and touched her forehead. She didn't do anything but sat still,he looked at her blankly and continued

"Sehun went to go buy some stuff"


She stared at him waiting for him to tell her his name, D.O was started to be weirded out by her staring but he realized she didn't know him

"Oh I'm D.O"

(Y/n) nodded and smiled,she was about to get out off the bed not wanting to be in it no more but D.O stopped her


(Y/n) looked at him weirdly,he turned his back facing her and crouched down

"I'll give you a piggyback so you won't get sick again"

She smiled already liking him,she hopped on his back and they headed out of the room,they walked towards the kitchen where Kai was. He looked up at them from his spot in the table and laughed, D.O looked at him with a poker face and punched his arm which cause Kai to hiss in pain

"Damn chill out!"

(Y/n) giggled and got down from D.O back sitting down beside Kai in the table, Kai looked at her and she looked back at him



Kai nodded satisfied, (y/n) looked back at D.O who was sitting in front of them. There was silence,the three of them were looking at each other saying nothing. But luckily the rest came back, Chanyeol came in first noticing (y/n) awake

"You're awake, are you feeling better?"

(Y/n) not wanting to be rude, smiled and nodded,even though chanyeol scared her at first she noticed he was kind of attached to her already. Chanyeol smiled back and placed a bag in front of her which gave a good smell of food

"I hope you like Korean BBQ"

(Y/n) smiled happily and nodded,this was her favorite food

"Thank you chanyeol oppa"

Chanyeol was surprised,he didn't think she would remember his name but was really happy, Sehun chuckled at his reaction and went to go pat (y/n) head

"You doing better princess?"


Her fever went down which was good but she was still a little under the weather, soon all the members joined and ate. They had conversations with (y/n) to know her better since Sehun would talk about her and her brothers from time to time


Suho looked at (y/n) who was on sehun lap,she looked at him a little surprised and scared at the same time

"Why were you with Got7?"

(Y/n) sighed and explained everything to them,she started to tear up remembering about the members , she looked up at Suho with watery eyes

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