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The children looked up at the member with red puffy eyes,their lips tremble and they looked back down. The members were staring at them confused and jimin was the first to speak

"H-hey don't cry just because you didn't tell us about your I-injury-"

"N-no it's not t-that"

Everyone looked at Hyun-shik who spoke he lift up his head and looked at the members but tears kept running down his cheeks

"T-the letters"

This caught everyone's attention especially the hyung line,Hyun-shik paused for a moment but Hyun-ki continued

"W-we k-knew about t-them"

"W-wait what do you mean?"

Hyun-ki stop speaking and kept looking down not making eye contact with the members, (y/n) hesitated but spoke

"W-we knew a-about them but w-we never told y-you guys"

"W-we're sorry!"

"T-they were threatening us! And and we j-Just-"


Rap monster suddenly hugged them and they stop speaking,they cried on his chest and held him for dear life. Rap monster could feel their heart beat slowing down,he was still confused but the only way to understand them was by calming them down. After what seem like an hour the children calmed down and the members sat by them trying to keep them calm.

"Calm down kiddos it's okay-"

"No! I-it's not..."

"Hyun-shik...who's sending the letters?"

Hyun-shik was sitting on jimin's lap he looked at Suga with a sad expression but continued


Suga stood still but nodded he made eye contact with Rap monster and Rap monster nodded back.


"H-he wants us back with him.."

Everyone looked at (y/n) who spook with no emotion on her face Jhope kissed her forehead and hugged her. Suga nodded his and looked over at Hyun-ki who was laying his head on Jungkook lap

"W-why didn't you guys say anything?"

"He threatened us.....if we told you guys t-then h-he.."

Hyun-ki slowly started to cry once again and jungkook tried calming by rubbing his hand on his back.

"H-he w-will k-kill o-one of y-you guys..."

All the members stood frozen,that's the reason. Rap monster opened his mouth but no words come out of his mouth. The thought of the members dying made the children cry again (y/n) held onto Jhope and cried on his chest. Jhope started crying as well it pained him that the children father had threatened them like that. Jhope grabbed
(y/n) head making her face him her eyes were red and puffy her cheeks had tears stains,Jhope looked at her and smiled

"D-don't worry,we'll be o-okay"


A tear slipped down on his cheek and he kissed her forehead he looked up at the other members and nodded his head.

"W-we have three days"

Suga looked over at Hyun-shik who spoke Suga nodded his head and went to the office with Rap monster. Everyone was quite no one said nothing Jin suddenly stood up and looked at the children with no emotion

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