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"What did you do to them?!"

"Let's just say they're in a better place"

Suho looked at the twins father in anger,his blood was boiling,anger mixed with sadness was all in him. Xiumin was crying his heart out, why? Why did it had to be two more members gone.

"You fuck ! W-why?! Why the fuck did you kill them?!"

"Look,we couldn't just let the-"

"Fuck you! Bullshit! Everything you did is fucking bullshit!!"

Suho cried out,blood and tears were mixed in his face,the twins father chuckled and started to walk out their house

"Finish them boys"

Suho breath hitched,his anger was out of control now,the men who had him sitting down was now dead on the floor. Suho immediately grabbed his gun and started shooting at the other men who had his members down to the floor,as he killed that last one,his emotions came together

"No. One. Messes. With. My. Family."

Xiumin sat still on the floor,looking at his bloody bruised knuckles

"Tao,kris,Luhan,Sehun,Chanyeol. I-I'm sorry"
"(Y/n) are you feeling okay?"

(Y/n) snapped out of her deep thoughts and looked up at her new uncle daesung


"Ah! Come on sweet cheeks,I'm your uncle,what's bothering you?"

"I-I need to see Exo! Something is not right! I swear it to my heart I know something didn't go good!"

"Sweetie ! Look as much I want to calm you down! I can't! They're fighting that guy that wants to take you!

"Uncle Daesung please ! Trust me ! I trust my senses,that man isn't there but his men,something isn't right with Exo!"

Daesung rubbed his chin and sighed in hesitation,he looked at (y/n),her expression was full of worry and desperation. He picked her up and they walked out the door

"I trust you"

"Ah my lovely twins"

The twins glared at their father as they were tied up in their chairs

"What do you want!"

"Nothing just (y/n)"

"You lair! She isn't our real sister!"

Haru stared his sons and raised an eyebrow

"You found out huh?"

"Yes! But let her go! She's isn't nothing yours! Her real father found her"

"Yes,but guess what happens when I let her go"

The twins sat silently looking up at Their father who was looking at them seriously

"They take her away,you love her don't you?"


"If we let her go,we'll never be able to see her again,never!"

The twins looked at each other and then back at their father

"N-no! He promised he would let us always see her"

"He's lying,he's making you fall for his trap,he's making you help him from taking (y/n) away from us! He wants her all to himself!"

"N-no! H-he "

"Hyun-ki! He's lying! If we let him win he'll take her away from us!"

The twins didn't know what to believe anymore,they trust jiyong but then their father made sense somehow. Haru looked at them with a disappointed expression

"She might not be my daughter,but I love her if she was"



"We'll help you "

Haru smirked and smiled looking at his twins

"Good choice boys,we can't let your sister go away"
"Rap monster! Is it clear?"

"First floor cleared! 34 men dead"

Suga nodded satisfied and looked at Jhope who was looking down at a dead body

"You good?"

"No,something isn't right"


"Yoongi,one of us will face the guy. But will he kill us straight off"

Suga shook his head and looked at jhope directly in his eyes

"Under my name,no one will die ! I promised her we'll go back for her !"

1- (y/n) p.o.v
2-BTS p.o.v


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