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It was pouring down rain as the children were walking back home to their father. Their hair and clothes were all soaked but they still continued walking, (y/n) was shivering and was silently crying but no one could tell since her face was already wet due to the rain. Hyun-shik cursed under his breath for not bringing something to cover them up from the rain. It wasn't to late to run back to the members home but they kept going



"I w-want to go back"

The three of them stopped under a small roof of a store and the twins looked at (y/n) who was shivering and seemed like she would get sick in the end. Hyun-shik sighed and looked at her

"W-we can't"

(Y/n) bit her bottom lip and said nothing,all three of them wanted to go back but it was for the best in order to keep the members out of danger.


Jungkook ran back into his room and woke up V and Jimin,both of them cursed at him and rubbed their eyes

"What the hell kook?!"

"Hyung! It's the children"

V and Jimin sat up immediately and looked at him and nodded for him to continue but the older ones rushed in the room with their weapons in hand. They looked at the younger ones and noticed that they were okay

"What's with all the noise?"

"We fucking thought someone broke in"

Jungkook nodded his head disagreeing and told them

"T-the children"

"What about them?"

Jungkook expression was a sad one as he was about to continue Jin left the room and rushed towards the children's room when he walked in he noticed that they weren't there. He looked at their beds and noticed letters and pictures he grab one of the picture that was of him and the children outside holding roses his eyes started getting watery and noticed something written behind the picture

"To Jin-omma

We're sorry
You were right that you shouldn't have taken us in with you guys. Were just stupid children right?
We only thought about us and not about the consequences, were really thankful for your caring,love,cooking,and everything that made you seem like a mom even though your a male but still. You were like a mother to us that we never had and were just so grateful that it's impossible to repay you. But in the end we just ruined it

Thank you for everything

By the time you read this were gone

It's a miracle right?

You wouldn't have to worry about us anymore

We left money for you guys to repay all of you since we can't repay properly but that's what you guys wanted when we first met.


And there you have it,it's under the bed. We hope the best for you and others

Once again sorry for everything

H.N. H.N. (Y).N "

Jin didn't noticed tears were already streaming down his face,he held the picture towards his chest and got on his knees. The rest rushed in and noticed Jin crying hard on his knees, Rap monster rushed beside him and held his shoulder Jin looked at him and then back the picture

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