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It was the next day,this time everyone woke up. Jhope,V,and Rap monster were taking the children to school,the children were getting ready while the other three were getting the children things ready,something new from them. Suga laughed at them and it earned him glares


"Funny how you guys are acting as parents"


Suga shrugged and headed towards the kitchen where Jin was preparing breakfast and the children lunches, Jin noticed suga presence and looked at him curiously

"You're up?"


"Wouldn't you be sleeping?"

"Yeah,but I wanted to see if those idiots really taking the children to school"

Jin chuckled at his answer and walked towards the table placing breakfast on the children plates

"New character,you care for them?"


Soon the children came out well dressed in their school uniform, Jimin came out satisfied on how he was the only one who helped them, Jhope looked at them and smiled

"Aw look how cute they look"

"I know right"

"Rap monster get the camera and take a picture"

"Get it yourself, I'm hungry so I'm getting something to eat"

Rap monster walked away towards the kitchen, Jhope and V pouted but looked for the camera anyways,soon they found it and took a picture of the children

"Im getting copies later"

The children giggled at their actions and headed towards the kitchen were the other three were

"Good morning"

"Morning kiddos, go ahead and eat"


They finished eating and started to get ready to leave, The three older ones were waiting for them at the door.

"Be good now and study hard"

"Remember,stab them in the eye ball if they try anything"

"Be a cool badass kiddos"

"Wait for the hyung's to pick you up,okay?"

The children nodded and said their goodbyes to them, (y/n) decided to kiss each of them on there cheek before leaving.

"Bye oppas"



They were making their way to school,all three of the children holding one of the older ones hands. They made it in front of the school gates,where a bunch of parents were going in and out. Rap monster sighed in an irritated way,he hated big crowded areas. Some parents looked at them in shock and some already feared, The three members shrugged and headed inside of the school gates, as they were going in,some parents were making them a path for them to walk and not get in their way. V chuckled at the actions from the parents soon they were in front of the doors and let go of the children hands

"Okay kiddos, we're here so be good and the other members we'll pick you guys up, okay?" 


"I'll miss you guys"

"We'll miss you too,taetae"

"Bye my angels"

"Bye hobi"

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