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It was like any normal day,everyone woke up early to go to school. The only thing that was different was that the four older ones didn't go to school with the younger ones. V was carrying (y/n) while the twins were walking by Jimin and Jungkook. It didn't feel right walking without the others, (y/n) sighed and lay her head on v's shoulder



"Where's monnie,Jin-omma,yoongs,and hobi?"

V looked at Jimin and Jungkook,Jimin looked at him telling him to make something up. V looked back at (y/n) who was looking straight at him

"W-we're not sure"


(Y/n) continued with her gloomy mood,the maknae line noticed her mood but didn't do anything. They arrived at school and went their separate ways,when the maknae line left the children to their classes,the children met up in the hallway across from their classes

"They left early this morning"

"But what did they leave early for ?"

"I'm not sure but I already have a feeling that has to do something with those letters"

"What If they find out where they're coming from?"

"Well I gue-"

"Hyun-ki, Hyun-shik, (y/n) please go to the nurse office"

The children looked at each other confused but shrugged. When they open the nurse office someone immediately pulled them Inside,they fell on the floor from the sudden force and hissed in pain. Suddenly someone walked towards them,they looked up to see who it was and fear could be seen in their eyes

"Aw haven't you guys grown up~"


Their father stood in front of them smiling at them,the children immediately stood up and looked at him frozen. Their father frowned and crossed his arms

"I'm disappointed at you three, you haven't visited-"

"Shut up!"

Hyun-shik shouted looking at their father,he looked at Hyun-shik surprised but smirked

"Ah~look at you all tuff and-"

"Shut up! And Leave us alone!"

"You three are my children and the you decided on staying with some gang? Pff this is ridiculous Hyun-shik I am-"

"You didn't take care of us so why di-"


Hyun-shik felt pain on his left cheek he touched it and looked down.Their father had just slapped him

"I'm talking."

Hyun-ki rushed beside Hyun-shik and looked at his face. Hyun-shik left cheek was bright red, Hyun-ki blood boiled and looked at his father

"You old hag! You can't-"

"Do you want one too?"

Hyun-ki stop himself and glared at their father,his father looked at them seriously and then looked back at (y/n) who was scared and shocked at the same time

"Ne~ my little girl! I haven't heard from you yet"

"A-appa w-why are y-you here?"

Their father smirked and turned around the other way

"Well since I'll be picking you three up in four days, we're going back to Japan"

The children eyes widen and stood there frozen their father looked back at them and laughed

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