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It was Friday,the members cheered in happiness since they only had to go to school today until next week. They got ready and started to headed out the door,the children were talking about the fun things the school did and events that were coming up,the members got interested in it since some of the topics or things that they liked.They kept on walking until there was a group of people in front of them, they didn't recognize them

"Oh sorry,excuse us"

(Y/n) was walking ahead of everyone,she was the first one trying to get around them. She noticed the group was full of males,Jimin was not far behind her,he suddenly got a sick feeling, he noticed the members were behind him so he didn't worry much about them

"(Y/n) wait up!"

Suddenly one of the males from the group grabbed (y/n) from her arm and pulled her body towards him,Jimin eyes widen as panic rushed in him and immediately ran towards her


The males faced Jimin and he was able to recognize them,he was startled and stopped his tracks

"You pieces of fuck!"

Jb smirked at Jimin and noticed the rest of the members behind him


(Y/n) was struggling to get out of the male tight grip around her body,the male happened to be Jackson,the main fighter in the gang. (Y/n) tried to scream but his hands were covering her mouth. Jackson was getting annoyed and he looked down at her glaring

"Stop it! Do you want to die right now!"

(Y/n) looked at him in fear and stop struggling,tears started to spill out of the corner of her eyes,she looked over at Jimin with pleading eyes. Jimin heart ached by looking at her,anger built up immediately and his hands balled up into fists. Suga took off his school jacket throwing it on the ground,he rolled up his sleeves up to his elbow and clenched his jaw as he went in front of Jimin

"Let her go and we can settle it here!"

Suga death glared at Jackson signaling him if he harms (y/n),he will die straight away. Suga looked at (y/n),his heart sadden but his blood was boiling. Jb laughed and shook his head in disagreement

"Can't do that now,it's to late. Junior drug her!"

Suga eyes widened and looked at Junior,without thinking,he started to run towards him, Yugyeom,the youngest member, got in front of Suga and punched him straight in the jaw,Suga body weight shifted sideways making him lose his balance and falling on the ground. (Y/n) saw Suga falling and started to struggle again, Jackson tighten his arms around her even more and glared at Junior

"Hurry up!"

V and Jimin immediately ran towards Suga to his aid,Jungkook had started fist fighting Mark. Junior took out a small cloth and put it on (y/n) nose. She was moving her head around trying not to smell the sleeping drug but she grew tired and the drug made it into her body. They noticed her body relaxing and Jackson started to carry her small fragile body

"She's good now!"

Jackson shouted at Jb, Jb punched Rap monster,who was fighting him,and looked back at Jackson

"Bambam! Yugyeom! Take her!"

Jackson handed (y/n) small body to Yugyeom arms,he took her and started to run away with Bambam behind him. V saw them running away and started to run behind them,Junior got in his way and pushed him back. V clenched his fists and tried to punch Junior but he beat him to it. Junior laughed and started to run behind the other two,Bts started to attack much harder at the remaining of the Got7 members,Jb hissed at the sudden pain on his face and looked at Jimin who had cut him on the side of his face

"Your going to be so dead!"

"I'll like to see that"

Jb looked at the rest of his members and signaled them to finish whoever they were fighting and run back to where the other three were. Mark threw a final punch at Jungkook, Jungkook fell backwards and hissed. Mark looked down at him and huffed

"See you in the next fight"

Mark stared to run away along with Jackson and Youngjae leaving Jb behind. Jb kicked Jimin down to the floor and wiped off the blood on his lips. He looked at the rest of the Bts members,who were on the floor beaten up. He looked back at Rap monster and smirked

"We told you. That's the last time of that little princess"

Everyone glared at him and he started to run away, Suga cursed under his breath trying to get up

"You piece of fuck! One finger on her and you're all dead!"

Jb looked back at him and laughed

"Depends if she won't annoy us"

The twins were frozen in place the whole time,seeing everything. Their senses came back to them and stared back at Jb who was slowly fading away in the distance

"What do you want?"

Jb stopped walking,he looked behind right at them and raised an eyebrow

"Ask them"

"Please don't hurt her"

Jb continued to walk away, the twins started tearing up but helped the members get up. Jimin punched the brick wall and hissed in pain

"Fuck! It-It was my fault..if I-"

"Jimin no! It's not"

"Yes it is! If I didn't catch up to her soon enough then-then"

Jhope hugged him and Jimin suddenly broke down. Rap monster sighed and looked at the twins who were emotionless


"What do they want from you?!"

Rap monster was taken back and sighed
(;▽;) Hope you enjoyed! Also... BTS won Artist of the year in MAMA! I'm proud of our boys!
Please army's remember......Lets always stay together and support our boys through good and bad times cried for two straight hours kms...

Lets always stay together and support our boys through good and bad times ♡ cried for two straight hours kms

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