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"Wait so how old are you kids again?"




"Damn,you guys sure are smart"

Jimin exclaimed as he was impressed looking at the paper in his hand. As soon as after the children got comfortable in their 'new' home, they remembered about having weekend homework. So they decided to do it to get distracted from what had happened earlier that day. The maknae line decided to join their homework session to see how much more can the children impress them. Surprisingly,they grew fond of them in such a short time period,they thought it was just cause of their curiosity that made want to know more about them. Each child was unique and different but got along so well which they somewhat envy

Why envy? Because when each member first met each other,it was awkward and it took a long period of time to get along,their would often be fights and arguments but everyone started to settle down and realize each other limits

"Man I don't remember having this type of homework when I was ten"

Hyun-shik laughed at V comment,he found V amusing and different than what he thought of him at first. He thought V would be abusive but verbally not physically,or use them to his own desires such as stealing from others or luring people and then killing them off. But that wasn't the case,V seemed to be calm and sweet towards them, realizing he actually had a soft spot for children,and Hyun-shik learned to be comfortable around him but still kept his guard up for himself and his siblings

"Well you see, we don't go to a basic school. We go to a music and arts school,and if you go there,you must at least study two or three of the four main subjects that is required to take any of the courses that the school provides"

V stared at him in awh and nodded understanding,Jimin picked up one of (y/n) English books that she had laying on the floor,he opened the book and flipped threw the pages,he arched an eyebrow trying to read one of the sentence but kept stuttering and was seemed to be saying the words incorrectly. (Y/n) noticed him picking up her book,she suddenly giggled at Jimin expression that seemed to amuse her, and immediately his piercing eyes traced towards her

"You're taking English?"

She slightly jumped at the hear of his voice,she looked at him dumbfounded and slowly nodded her head. Jimin chuckled at her response and without really thinking,he reached his hand out towards her and patted her head

"What do you want to be when you're older?"

(Y/n) looked at him with a surprised expression and gulped looking back down at her work

"I don't know really"

Jimin hummed and softly sighed sitting back in his seat

"It's okay,sooner or later you will know"

(Y/n) lifted her head up and stared at him,she really had no judgmental mental thought of him or towards any member. They all seemed kind towards her and her brothers,as Hyun-shik told her once

"Treat someone the way you want to be treated"

She respectfully and kindly expressed herself towards the members that spoke to her because she felt it was the only way to be on a good side of the gang

"Hyun-shik and Hyun-ki help me a lot in my studies so I can do well in school,and one day I will make eomma proud!"

Jungkook,who was sitting across from her,ears perked up at the hearing of the word 'eomma.' He slightly titled his head and furrowed his brows in worry

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