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"One goes the other dies"

"You fu-"

"Shh! So who's leaving"


"He'll go! Take him! Let him free!"

"Hyung no!"


"So are you going to tell me?"

"Ha! Never"

"Look,you either tell me where they are or I'll find that boy and the rest of your gang"

"No! Leave them alone!"


"I-I don't kn-"





"I s-sa"


"Last chance"

"K-k-kill m-me"



"The other confessed! They're in daegu!"


"W-what?! N-n-no!"

"Aw your little member confessed! Well there's no need of both y'all anymore!"

"G-go t-t-to hell"



(Y/n) suddenly jumped up from her bed with her heart beating faster every second,something wasn't right and something bad happen. She looked beside her trying to wake up Jhope but he wasn't there,she quickly got off of the bed and started to rush towards the door,a shadow was standing there blocking the door. She paused and rubbed her eyes trying to wake up and make sure she was not seeing stuff. The shadow started moving towards her and panic rushed in her,she quickly ran up to the bed and stood up,the more she moved the more the shadow will move towards her. The shadow or clearly now the person who was in the same room as her was trying to capture her,she ran around the room trying to get the person away from the door so when they were far away she had a chance to run out. As the person was across from the bed from her she took a quick glance at the door and made a run for it

"Oh no!"

"L-leave me a-alone"

The person was to quick for her and instantly grabbed her from behind,(y/n) struggled to get out of their grip. The person lay her down on the ground while taking a syringe out of their back pocket,as the moonlight shined in the room glancing up to (y/n) glittery small eyes. They widen and fear instantly came in

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