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(Y/n) laid in bed,machines connected to her body. A large hand holding her small fragile hand,who hasn't let go since she was taken out of the surgery room


Yoongi slowly opened his eyes meeting with bright brown ones that belonged to Jhope

"Go rest and sleep on the couch,I'll watch after her"

He didn't argue back and stood up from his seat beside her,he looked back at her and kissed her small chubby cheek

"Promise to wake me up if something comes up?"

"Yes hyung!"

"Thanks hope"

Jhope smiled and took his seat while Suga took his sleeping spot on the couch he was in earlier. A soft knock was heard from the door and the oldest hyung appeared

"Still hasn't woken up?"


"Hyun-shik did"

Jhope looked up shocked and smiled brightly

"How are the younger ones?"

"Jimin is resting, Tae eating with Namjoon, Kookie in Hyun-shik room resting"

Jhope nodded and look over at (y/n),her skin was pale yet her cheeks still had color in them. He sadly smiled and reached for her small hand to kiss it

"Wake up soon princess,we're waiting for so long"

"She will soon,it's only been two weeks"

"Hyung,I miss her bright eyes"

"I do too"

Another knock was heard and was reveled to be her father. He came in with another boutique of flowers, the seventh one he brought this week,what an extra father he is

"Nothing ?"

"Nothing Jiyong"

He huffed and put the flowers somewhere in place,night time arrived and the routine continued. But tonight was different, Hyun-shik was moved into (y/n) room to be in together,the doctors set up a schedule for the members for when they could come in and visit.

They had taken Haruka back to Japan, him being born there and to pay for his crimes. His parents passed away when the twins were born,which left Hyun-shik the only true blood of the nanase and (y/n) who carries the name. Haruka had everything and now it's been passed to both of the children,but since they're still young and not conscious to take decision that left the members to do so. The members stayed in the mansion now starting to live there,law allowed them because of them basically being garudiauns of the children also for not doing the bad intentions to them and any sort of gang activity. They still had guards hired,some who are left at the hospital in case of anyone trying to do any harm to the children.

After they had left the hospital,the nanase driver picked them up going home.
Rap monster looked out the window and chuckled

"Wow,now we're basically living a rich life"

"Not for long maybe"

Rap monster looked towards yoongi and tilted his head in confusion

"I mean,after the children wake up,they have to decided a lot of things. Like if they want to continue living with us or their aunt. Or even jiyong,he's the biological father of (y/n) so it'll be chaos"

"I know hyung,jiyong didn't fight back that we were the guardians. He agreed and was happy to it"

"Obviously,he's still in his gang activity but he does truly care for her. So he trusts us"

Rap monster nodded continuing to look out the window,everything was silent but a peaceful silence. Soon Jin phone went off which caused everyone to look at him,he immediately answered the incoming call


"Are you Kim Sekojin,one of (y/n) nanase guardians?"

"Yes! That's me! Is something wrong?"

"No sir,actually it's a good news, (y/n) has finally woken up from her coma"

Jin face brighten and nodded happily,the members looked at him confused and wondering what they had called him for. He put his phone away and told the driver to drive back to the hospital which confused everyone

"Jin what's going on?!"

"She woke up! Yoongi! Guys! (Y/n) finally woke up!"

Suga heart raced and he couldn't believe it,his princess finally woke up. Rap monster immediately called Jiyong while Jungkook called her aunt,her aunt was fairly young. She was twenty and he was eighteen,it was a two year difference but they somehow got close.

"Nonna! She woke up"

"What?! Oh my god! I'm heading there right now !"

Jungkook smiled and ended the call,Jimin started to tease him

"Mm kookie,I'm seeing something"

"Hyung don't start"

"Come on! Soon enough (y/n) will call you uncle"

Jungkook made a horrified expression,while Jimin and V laughed. Soon enough everyone arrived at the hospital all together,Yani rushed towards the members and was happy and emotional

"Let's see our princess!"

Everyone nodded and rushed in,the nurse who had called Jin smiled happily and headed them towards (y/n) room.

"She woke up like an hour ago so she's having a meal right now,be calm and enjoy the moment"

Everyone nodded and the nurse opened the door revealing (y/n) eating while hyun-shik was sitting beside her. Suga breath hitched looking at (y/n),her eyes open and her body moving,he whispered her name and it seemed like she could hear it from far,she turned her head looking at them and her eyes landed on Suga

"Yoongs! Hobi! Moni! Jin-omma! Taetae! Chimchim! Kookie! Appa! Unnie!"

Everyone smiled and surrounded around her bed,it was nice having the family back,but sadly one was missing,everyone hoped he'll rest in peace after the cruelty.



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