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"Hyun-ki nanase?"

"He didn't make it sir...."

"Hyun-shik Nanase?"

"He survived sir...."

"(Y/n) Nanase?"

"We don't know sir...."

Nurses rushed around her body,her eyes were opening yet closing. Her pupils looking everywhere,she saw everyone around her,trying to keep her heart beating. The doctor focused on the bullet,nurse focusing on her breathing,one on her blood,one on her heart rate,everyone was focusing on her,every single part.

Memories flashed every second

Why couldn't good things last forever?


This is what we call life

Her breaths were slower and slower
Blood was flowing so much
Her eyes movements were coming to a stop
Everything was stoping

"How's she going?!"

"We're losing her"

Sweat dripped off the doctor forehead,the bullet was soon to come out
Yet her breathing was stoping
Soon It came out
It was to late
She took her last breath
The bullet came out the last second

"She didn't-"


"Why her?!"

"Why didn't you get it out soon enough?!"

For everyone,tears spilled,hearts ached,pain spread
She didn't mean to cause it
But she did anyways
But in the end

She brought them joy
She came back once again

To stay and live once again
She lost her brother
But life is life
She didn't lose everything
A new life was up ahead for her

But her heart knows many stories will come soon to be told

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