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10 years later

It was snowing like every winter would,luckily it was a Sunday, no one was really out except her. She passed through the gate walking to row where she was headed to,her soft feminine hands were numb due the cold but could care less about it. Today marked two special days you could say. She saw the dead roses in the flower pot beside the tombstone and replaced them with fresh new ones she held in her hands. She got on her knees and prayed for a little

"Eomma,it's snowing again. It always snows on this day. Is it a present from you for my birthday? It's pretty but it's just to cold. Today marks seventeen years since you left and I turn seventeen Today. What a weird day for two. I'm sorry Hyun-shik couldn't come today again,he is still studying in New Zealand but will come back soon. I miss him a lot,you probably do too. But Jin oppa said it was a good thing for his studies. I've been working hard too,did I tell you I skipped a grade,I feel like a baby among my friends since they're a year or two older. I don't know what to do today since I turn seventeen,but for sure I'll spend time with everyone"

She sat silently,her hands ran over the top of the tombstone,and she sighed

"I love you and miss you like always"

She slowly got up and bow

"Goodbye eomma! Until next time"

She smiled and walked slowly away,she looked down at her feet,her shoes covered in snow,each step she took made a trail behind her. She continued her way walking back home. She looked ahead of the front door knowing she'll get yelled by someone for leaving without letting anyone know. She opened it and closed it behind her and she looked up to see the only min in the family up in the stairs looking down at her with a smirk on his face. She smiled nervously and waved

"G-Good morning oppa"

"Good morning birthday princess,come to the office we got to talk"

He walked away and she relaxed but sighed having to walk up the stairs,she soon made it to the office which him,Namjoon,Hoseok,and Jiyong shared. He sat in the desk chai and she took a seat in front of him

"Happy birthday by the way"

"Thanks yoongs"

"I know where you went so I'm not going to yell at you"

"Jesus thank you"

He smiled and shook his head

"You're still our same little princess"

"Hey! I'm seventeen today"

"You still look seven to me"

"Still looking like the grandpa yoongs,I see you aging forward to fast"

"Well played"

She smiled and winked

"We love you,thank you for being with us for another year princess"

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