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"Eh?! So our last name is kwon,Kim,min,Jung,park,Jeon? All in our name?!"

Jimin shook his head while waving his hands

"No no no,not like that princess,your official last name is kwon"

"What we're trying to say is,that all of us,us members are part of your Family. Yes,we might have different last name but"

"Your dad was really kind to let us be part of your family,you and Hyun-shik"

(Y/n) and Hyun-shik eyes sparkle even more looking towards their dad who was smiling happily and nodded

"That's right kids! It's all I can do really,they went through everything to keep you guys and keep you well,you two and hyun-ki who can rest in peace now"

"So are they our brothers? Uncle? Cousin? Or?"

"Oh no! Not like that,we're all family but not like that way unless you want to see-"

"It's okay appa! I like the way we are now! But as long they're always with us! I'm happy!"

(Y/n) smiled,she made eye contact with Namjoon and walked up to him,he looked at her confused and she hugged him by his waist

"It's weird to say this now but,thank you for kidnapping us,if you didn't then none of this would happen. I wouldn't be able to met my real appa and I wouldn't meet you all who are such wonder full people,I had a lot fun in our adventures,well some of them. It was so funny at the beginning how I was so scared if you and yoongs,now I'm here hugging you. I'm sorry for all the trouble we caused in the way,I love you a lot with all my heart,I'm short right now but one day I'll be tall enough to kiss your cheek!"

Namjoon heart melted as well as everyone in the room,he crouched down to her height and smiled while his eyes were getting watery

"I love you too (y/n),I'm glad I kidnapped you too. Thank you too,for be our light in our eyes,life,and heart. Without you,hyun-shik,and hyun-ki we would've still been the troublesome BTS of Seoul. Maybe right now you won't understand,but when you're older I'll tell you the many things you did to us,and the reasons you inspired us to be someone different now"

(Y/n) stared at him and smiled jumping on him for a hug,he hugged back and he lifted his head to look at hyun-shik

"Come on hyun-shik,the hug wouldn't be complete without you"

"And us"

"Us too"

Everyone surrounded Namjoon and the kids in a hug,their hearts touched as one,their spirit lighten,their was the light that they needed. The door had open and male spoke

"Aw we missed the group hug!"

Everyone looked to see,no other then Exo. The kids head popped up from the group and they smiled. They got off Namjoon arms and ran up to suho

"We missed you guys!"

"We missed you too!"

The kids hugged all the members but (y/n) knew something wasn't right

"Suho oppa?"


"Where is sehun oppa? And chan oppa?"

Everyone heart dropped,knowing what had happened to them except the children. Everyone frozen in place waiting for someone to tell the children,lay coughed breaking the silence and knelt down in front of them and held their small hand

"(Y/n),Hyun-shik. Sehun and chanyeol are resting peacefully where Hyun-ki is"

"N-no, t-that can't be true!"

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