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The twins faced haruka with a straight face,clenching the knife in their hands. The members looked at them surprised and in relief,Haruka looked at them shocked


"We're not killing someone again,someone who's innocent"

"You wa-"

"We have to accept the reality,(y/n) doesn't have our blood,she's not our biological sister,and she's not your biological daughter"

Haruka clenched his fist and started to fidget,he looked at them again and smirked

"So that's what you think huh"

"It's the truth"

"If you're not doing it"

He slowly got his gun from behind him,and started to aim at Rap monster. The twins noticed and took quick action

"I wil-"


The twins quickly held their knife and ran towards Haruka,Hyun-ki quickly ran towards him stabbing his stomach,Haruka felt sudden pain coughing blood and dropped his gun,Hyun-shik being more light weight and more flexible,jumped on Hyun-ki shoulder standing on it making him eye height with Haruka. Everything went slow motion,the members stared at the while scene shocked,Haruka looked into Hyun-shik eyes,expressing sadness and anger,Hyun-shik held the knife high and looked at him

"You're the worst of worst"

With full force,he aim the knife at Haruka throat,but Hyun-shik was beaten,Haruka grabbed Hyun-shik throat tightly causing to choke Hyun-shik. Hyun-ki was going to take another hit to save his brother but Haruka kicked him harshly causing him to cough blood and clenched his body,this angered the members and they tried to free themselves. Haruka noticed and smirked,he looked at Hyun-shik who was struggling to breathe and getting himself free from his father grip,he tighten his hand more making Hyun-shik cry more in pain,his face was becoming more pale,slowly he stop struggling. Jimin heart dropped and shook his head crying

"You fucking shit! Why?! Why?! I'm going to kill you I swear ! Hyun-shik!!"

Hyun-shik body was dropped lifeless to the ground,he was hardly breathing and looked directly at Jimin,Jimin cried more and shook his head,Hyun-shik tried smiling,he looked at Rap monster staring into his eyes,Rap monster was frozen in place his heart racing. Hyun-shik was able to smile and closed his eyes


Rap monster cried out but Hyun-shik didn't move,Haruka spat and looked over at Rap monster who glared at him with tears in his eyes,Haruka called his men to hold onto the members so they won't be able to move completely. He looked over at Hyun-ki who was in a pool of his own blood,he walked over to him and pulled his hair up making him cry In more pain. Hyun-ki looked at him with teary eyes

"I told you both to do it"

He turned his head making him look at his brother lifeless body on the ground

"And look how your bother ended"

"H-Hyun-s-shik! No! No-"

Hyun-ki cried more and more,his face covered in tears with a mix of blood,his heart aced and he felt weak. Haruka turned his head looking at the members

"Now Hyun-ki,you kill him or I will and you'll end up like your brother"

"G-go to hell"
(Y/n) made it into the building successfully,surprisingly men weren't out guarding the building. The building was big,enough for her to get lost easily,There was light more into the center part of the building,she quietly speed walk to it,as she was getting closer she could hear voices,the twins and their father. She noticed men behind the members she assumed were,from far she could see what was happening.

After she witnessed Hyun-shik body dropped to the floor lifeless,Jimin and Rap monster crying out for him,Hyun-ki having to decided to kill or get killed by his own father. She broke down into tears,her heart was beating fast every second that passed,everything was blurry to her except the members,when she looked up noticing Haruka pointing his gun towards Jin,she cried more and quickly took a run towards him not caring about the rest,she's not risking losing someone else dearly to her
Haruka smirked and nodded his head

"Fine then Hyun-ki"

Haruka immediately pointed his gun towards Jin and looked at him directly at his eyes,the members heart started to beat fast and they started to fight trying to escape from the men's arm but were failing. Jin hesitantly took a deep breath,a tear falling down his left cheek,making eye contact with Haruka. Hyun-ki started to shake his head and started to breathe hard.

Everything was slow,Haruka fired his gun,Hyun-ki screamed,the members shouted,screamed,cried,and everything that came. Jin closed his eyes waiting for the pain the hit him,wishing his members would get out alive from this hell,hoping (y/n) will be fine after this.

Instead he heard a small cry and felt liquid hitting his face,he opened his eye and his heart dropped. Haruka heart stopped,everything around him stop,he dropped his gun and tears started to run down,the person who he was chasing the whole time

......took the bullet

(Y/n) ran in front of Jin,willing to take the bullet just to keep him alive. It hit her on her side,she hissed in pain,crying at the same time,she hit the floor coughing out blood looking directly at Haruka. She cried and held the spot she got hit

Everyone cried,Everyone shouted,Everyone heart dropped


(: I love you all ~

-------------------------------------------(: I love you all ~

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