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The members never went to bed even the twins,they were desperate on finding (y/n). Jin came back to the house after talking to many people from the streets if anyone knew where Got7 hideout was,but no one knew. Jin came in and the members got up from their spots on the couch looking at him desperately,he looked at them with sad eyes shaking his head showing them he found nothing. The twins bit their bottom lip trying not to cry, and the maknae line were back to their depressed state sitting back down. Rap monster sighed as he walked away into his office wanting to be alone,Suga punched the wall near him in anger and ran out of the house. Jhope was stressed and felt sick,his head was pounding,his stomach grew sick,and his throat was sore.He headed out the house without speaking and went to a near by bar,he knew the thing he was about to do wasn't right to do but it was the only thing that would get his mind out of the situation. He walked in the place and sat down on a stool by the bar table,he looked at the bar tender in front of him

"The strongest drink you got"

The bartender nodded and prepared the drink,he placed a glass cup in front of Jhope,he was hesitated but shot it down. The burning sensation ran down through his throat,he enjoyed it yet he didn't. He placed down the glass on the table and nodded at the bartender for another one,he looked around the club noticing not many people were there. The bartender handed him another glass and Jhope thanked him, the bartender noticed his depressed state and looked at him worried

"You good man?"

Jhope looked at him and sighed

"Not really"

The bartender nodded and leaned on the table looking at Jhope closer

"Maybe I can help out"

Jhope raised an eyebrow and chuckled,the bartender rolled his eyes and continued

"Don't worry I'm not fooling you"


"So what's bugging you?"


The bar tender nodded and placed his hand under his chin thinking

"I know their location"


"Their hideout it's near my apartment,I've noticed them going in and out at night and some people from the street always warned me to not go near their area. They live in a medium size apartment,the outside looks pretty decent,its color white and has two small windows. There are seven members right?"

"Yes! What is the street called?!"

The bar tender held a finger up to wait for him,he grabbed a small sticky note pack from his pocket and a pen,he started to write down something on it and gave the small paper to Jhope. He took the small paper,reading it and nodded looking up at the bartender

"Thanks a lot man"

"No problem!"

Jhope slightly grin and hopped of his seat running out of the place. He ran in the house and shouted for the members to come into the living room. Suga,who had came back,looked at him annoyed while the rest were confused. He smiled at them and waved the small paper in front of them

"Get ready guys! Cause we're getting our princess back!"

Everyone looked at him in disbelief,Suga went up to him and took the paper out of his hands and looked back at him

"What do you mean?"

"I found where Got7 hideout is!"

"Y-You're not lying right?!"

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