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Jhope felt a rush of pain through his head,someone had hit him from behind. He slowly opened his eyes and squinted trying to see everything clearly. He was tied up laying on the floor,his arms behind him and his legs tied together for him to unable to walk. He looked around and noticed him and the rest of them members laying on the ground in a row,it started with Jin,Suga,himself,Rap monster,Jungkook,Jimin,V,and then Jiyong at the end. He looked behind him and noticed men guarding them,he quietly kicked Rap monster beside him but he didn't react. Jhope was about to turn towards Suga but suddenly his hair was pulled up causing him to his in pain

"Jhope ah"

"W-wh-y-y are you doing t-this?"

"Appa said you'll take her away,away from us"

J-hope stared at the twins who were looking straight at his eyes,they looked sick,brainwashed,and just crazy


"(Y/n) please put this vest on"

"Oppa! I'll be okay! I can do it! I won't get hurt!"'

"B-but we can't risk you getting hurt or k-killed"

(Y/n) sighed and kept arguing back that she didn't want to put the vest on,it was a protection vest,if she were ever to get shot,the vest would protect her from it and wouldn't let it get through her body. Daesung really wanted her to use it,hearing all those stories from her so called "father," didn't seem safe for her to get close to him.

They were a block away from the main building,as Daesung was about to give up,they heard a loud gun shot. The both froze and stayed in silence


(Y/n) immediately got out of the car and ran towards the building,Daesung wanted to chase after her due to the gun shots but stayed behind remembering Kai's words


"Speak again and it goes through him"

Jin was beyond mad and nervous,all of the members have woken up by the sudden yank on their hairs,the famous Haruka Nanase was right in front of them. He asked questions but with the anger the members had in them,they raged out and Haruka didn't like it one bit,he grabbed Jungkook and threaten to shoot him through his head if they didn't answer his questions. Jin being the eldest members,decided to answer them and keep jungkook alive

"Where is she?"

"Ask the biological father"

Haruka blood boiled and was about to point his gun at Jin but Jiyong spoke

"You know well she's my daughter,give it up. Let her go,she's from my-"

"Shut up! Or he's getting it!"

Haruka was shaking and sweating,he held jungkook hair and then suddenly pushed him to the ground,jungkook hissed in pain and blood started to come out of his mouth. This raged Rap monster and he tried to untie himself. Haruka looked at the twins and glared at them

"You were with them?! Don't you know?!"


"Fuck sakes!"

The twins started to get teary and looked at him scared,Haruka swept his hair back and looked at one his men and back at his sons

"You're loyal to you're dad huh?"


"Both of you will take a knife,and kill the leader"

Everything stopped,all the members heart dropped,even the twins. The twins looked up at their father and then back at Rap monster,they didn't say anything they didn't move.
Rap monster eyes started to get watery and he felt a big lump in his throat,was it time now? He had to break his promise? No,he promised her and he couldn't break it



"Do it! Or I will"

The twins bit their bottom lip and slowly stood up,the members heart started to beat fast every second. Are they really going to kill him?

"Hyun-ki? Hyun-shik?"

"Weren't we a family?"

"A happy one?"

"You were both happy,with (y/n) too"

"We were happy too"'

"Is it going to end now?"

"We love you"

The twins stood in front of them,staring at them,their hearts started to beat,a good beat. They both looked at each members eyes,different stories,different past,different emotion were behind their eyes,but their love and bond with each other was strong. Life brought them together,they helped each other in this dark cruel world. They lived In it,together,surviving by each other sides,but the three of them became the light to their dark world, it was unexpected but overall they all received what they were missing



----------------------------------------------------IM SORRY! I WAS GONE AH !

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