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"What is it kids?!"

The children came in the kitchen with a letter in their hand, Jin looked at them a little shocked but took the letter


9 days........

Jin sighed and put the letter away,the children knew what it was but acted like they knew nothing. Jin looked at them patted their heads,the rest of the members were out which left Jin and the children home. The children noticed Jin expression changed to more of a gloomy one, it sadden them so they wanted to change the mood.

"Ne, Jin-omma how did you learn how to cook?"

Jin was taken back by hyun-ki question and smiled

"My mother thought me when I was probably around in middle school"


"Your eomma is a really good cook"


"You surpassed her cooking skills"

Jin laughed and nodded his head

"No, my mothers cooking is better. You children should stop watching anime thinking everything is like that"

The children giggled and kept making conversations with Jin while he was multitasking, getting dinner ready and talking with the children. As Jin was cleaning the dishes he looked back at the children

"Where did you guys find the letter?"

"When we were coming back inside,it was in front of the door"'

"Did you see anyone putting it there?"


Jin nodded and continued washing the dishes, behind him the children sighed. That's what not really happen, since they were bored the whole afterwards they went outside and once again the men came back. They handed the letter directly to them and continued with their threats. (Y/n) shivered thinking about what happen earlier and put her head on hyun-ki shoulder. The twins were afraid,they had to be careful with every word that came out of their mouth if they slip anything out it makes the situation worse, Jin noticed the silence and looked back at the children

"Are you guys okay? Did something happen?"

"No, we're okay just tired"

Jin chuckled and faced them

"Oh yeah one more thing"


"No more going outside unless one of us goes with you okay?"

"Eh? Why that now?"

"I don't want you kids going missing or else I'll go crazy"

The children giggled and nodded,each of them went to go shower and stayed in their room. As hyun-shik was drying his hair, (y/n) looked at him sadly

"We have to tell them at some point"

"I know that,but not now or those drug addicts will kill them in one shot. You know how that old hag is"

Hyun-shik sighed loudly and jumped on his bed

"I have an idea but I feel like it's wrong"

"What is it?"

"Let's leave"

Both hyun-shik and (y/n) looked at him shocked, hyun-ki sat up and looked at them

"What the hell?!"

"I'm serious, look those shitty men are threatening us if we say anything,so basically the life of the members are on our hands. If we do anything wrong boom one is down,so for them to be alive and okay we either leave and go back with that old hag or we stay here and keep them in danger until that hag comes"

Hyun-shik sighed and looked down

"It might not be a bad idea but we can't just leave them like that, you know well enough we got attached to them and so did they to us"

"I know that but I'm just saying"

(Y/n) stayed silent and looked at her brothers,she understood but couldn't do anything. They all got quite and hyun-shik broke the silence

"We'll talk this later,just enjoy everything we have with them now cause we never know what's coming tomorrow"

They nodded their heads and headed out of their room,finally the rest of the members came back, they were happy seeing the children again.
I missed writing T^T thank you for being patient for this chapter

---------------------------------------I missed writing T^T thank you for being patient for this chapter ♡

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