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Nine months later

Months passed and now it was a new year. The children were happy since they actually stayed with the members longer then they expected.For the members,they were grateful for having the children with them,everyone looked outside the windows watching snow falling down from the sky. The children were watching in awe but then their expression suddenly changed,Rap monster noticed and raised an eyebrow

"You feeling okay kiddos?"

"Yeah but what day is today?"

Rap monster took out his phone and turned it on looking at the date on his screen

"January 14"

The children looked at each other in disbelief,suddenly they ran into their room,the members were surprised at their sudden reaction but quickly walked into the children room seeing them get ready

"What are you guys doing?"

"We will tell you but first let's all get ready"

"All of us?"


The members looked at each other and shrugged,they went into their rooms to get ready. Jin ended up helping the children get ready,he layered them with long sleeves and coats cause of the weather but the children whined and tried to convince Jin that they wouldn't get sick easily. Once everyone was ready they started to head out the door, Hyun-shik took his small guitar which made the members even more confused. As they headed out the house,the children stood in front of them looking at them

"Tell us"

"Be patient! I guess you'll understand once we get there"


"Yeah! But first we have to go to the flower shop"

"A flower shop? They're probably close since it's snowing"

(Y/n) pouted and looked at her brothers,both Hyun-ki and Hyun-shik face palmed and cursed under their breath. Suga chuckled at their reaction and patted their heads

"Are flowers necessary for this place we're going?"


Suga nodded his head and started walking ahead,everyone followed him. Soon they stood outside of a small old yellow house,Suga turned around facing the rest

"An old lady lives here and I heard she sold flowers,so maybe she might have some"

The children smiled happily and knocked the door,after a few seconds a middle aged women opened the door

"Cute little children huh? And handsome young men's! What brings everyone here?"

The children looked up at her smiling

"Do you sell flowers?"

"Yes I do! Come,come in"

Everyone thanked her and came inside her house.From outside it looked like a small house but in the inside, there was small flower pots everywhere. The children looked around in awe and the middle aged women looked at them happily

"Is there a specific one you're looking for?"

"Hai! Do you have white roses?"

"Yes,they're in that corner over there"

The children went over the pot full of white roses and sighed happily looking over at the members happily. The maknae line went over to the children,Jimin started to question why they wanted to buy white roses

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