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Suga and Rap monster continued running down the street,heavy rain was still falling and they were all soaked. They suddenly stop running and stood in middle of the street  breathing heavily,Suga stood up wiping his face and his hair backwards and then looked  back at Rap monster who clutching his thighs for support. Suga looked around and cursed under his breath

"H-hey where I-is Jin-n?"

Suga immediately turned his head towards namjoon and bit his lip. He didn't see Jin when they left.

"I don't k-know but his a-"

As he was about to finish what he was saying they heard someone call out their names

"Suga! Rap mon!"

They both stood up and tried to figure out who shouted their name and where that person was. Jin tried carrying all three of the children in his arms but failed,he took off his jacket and putted it on (y/n) since she was the one who was in bad condition but so were the twins but they insisted that they could make it back home with no problem. He carried (y/n) in his arms and hurried the twins to walk faster to get out of the heavy rain. As they were rushing Hyun-ki fainted, Jin panicked and was trying to pick him up. Hyun-shik looked around figuring out how far they were from the house as he turned to look at the street he noticed two people standing in middle of the street,he was confused at first and started walking closer to get a close view of who they were he immediately recognized them. That's when he shouted out Suga and Rap monster name,he saw that they were confused and we're looking around trying to figure out where the shouting came from. He ran towards them and that's when they noticed him. Both Suga and Rap monster hearts were beating fast as they saw a small body figure running towards them,when they got a better view of who it was they immediately ran towards Hyun-shik.


Suga crouched down and spread his arms open, Hyun-shik ran in his arms and hugged him tightly. Suga hugged him back and held him, Hyun-shik turned his head and pointed towards where Jin was

"Hurry! Jin is struggling because (y/n) is really ill and Hyun-ki suddenly fainted!"

Suga was surprised by his words but nodded immediately and signaled Rap monster to hurry towards where Jin was. As they reached where Jin they ran in front of him,he noticed their presence and sighed in relief

"Namjoon! Carry Hyun-ki!"

Rap monster was surprised that Jin called him by his real name but nodded Suga halted him and took out the small back pack that contained the small blankets. He took out all three of them and handed one to the other two. Jin wrapped (y/n) in the blanket while Suga and Rap monster did too to the twins. When they finished they immediately stood up carrying the children in their arms and ran as fast as they could to the house. Back at home the maknae line were nervous and silently praying that their hyung's would came back soon with the children with them. J-hope walked back in forth trying not to be so nervous but yet he still was. Soon they heard the door rushed open,the maknae line immediately stood up and looked towards the door. They saw the older ones soaking wet with small bodies covered in blankets in their arms,the three of them immediately rushed in and tried to lay the children down. As Suga laid Hyun-shik down on the sofa he looked at the maknae line

"Jimin,go find extra clothes for the children. V,go get more blankets. Jungkook,find the box of medicine in the bathroom! Hurry!"

They nodded and rushed away, Jhope looked at the young ones rushing away and walked towards Suga

"Where were they?!"

"I don't know,Jin found them but (y/n) got really ill and Hyun-ki fainted so he was struggling and Hyun-shik found us and led us to where they were"

Jhope nodded and looked down at the children,their faces were bright red and were shivering a lot. (Y/n) slowly opened her eyes and looked around noticing they were back home


Suga and Jhope rushed in front of her, Jhope touched her cheek and smiled sadly

"Shh it's okay your home safe"

"I-I missed y-you"

His heart ached and nodded,she started breathing heavily and held Jhope hand

"I-I'm really c-cold"

Jhope nodded and looked at Suga, Suga looked at him and shouted

"V! Hurry!"

V suddenly rushed with a pile of blankets,he handed one to Suga and he covered (y/n) small body. She tried snuggling comfortably but her wet clothes prevented that,she made a face of discomfort. Jhope noticed and was about to call out for jimin but he came in. Jimin changed (y/n) and made her comfortable,everyone ran around trying to keep the children from getting even more sick. When the children soon slept in comfort they calmed down and rested in the living room with them. When Suga came out of his room from changing his wet clothes he sat down on the carpet where everyone was. Silence filled the room and all was heard were the small silent snores from the children. Jhope was playing with jimin's hair who had his head laying on his lap,he looked up at Jin who was rubbing Hyun-ki back.

"Where were they?"

"Under a small roof in front of a shop"

Jhope nodded his and sat silently,they were all calmed knowing that the children were back with them only problem is that they were sick with a high fever. The silence was comforting which were making them slowly fall asleep,four hours passed and it was five in the morning. Rap monster woke up and noticed everyone had fallen asleep,he got up and checked the children,they were still warm but not as they were earlier. He used the bathroom and was heading in the kitchen until he heard a small knock he raised an eyebrow and walked towards the door. He noticed the rain stopped and there was a letter on the floor. He cursed under his breath and picked it up,he headed back inside while opening the letter

Fourteen hours.....

When he read that he crumpled up the letter and looked back towards the living room,everyone was sleeping in peacefully and it ached his heart. That was his family,not by blood but they always stuck with each other,the thought of them being separated or hurt pained him. He would risk everything to keep them safe,even if it meant dying

Well wow it's 1:53 in the morning (: I love you guys so I really don't care about the time. I wish you guys the best in your week of life and hope positive stuff come !

 I wish you guys the best in your week of life and hope positive stuff come ! ♡

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