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Kai drove down the streets of daegu to find the hidden location Ji-yong had sent them. (Y/n) sat quietly in the back beside D.O,she was playing with the bottom part of the hoodie J-Hope had given her,Baekhyun who was sitting in the passenger seat looked back at her and softly sighed

"Don't worry princess,they'll be okay,they're strong"

(Y/n) didn't respond or look up and proceed to play with the hoodie,Baekhyun sighed and left her be. After half an hour,they finally arrived to a small house in a very small neighborhood. Kai raised an eyebrow looking out the windows for suspicious of anyone after them. He parked the car in front of the house, (y/n) looked out the window observing the house,suddenly a tall man opened the door and started walking towards them,Kai left the car and started walking over to the side where (y/n) was. The tall man reached to Kai and proceeded to talk

"That's his daughter ?"


"Alright,we'll take her from here"

Kai nodded and opened the car door,(y/n) heart was beating fast,she wasn't used to meeting new people without having one of the members with her,she looked up to the man,meeting his sharp eyes

"Hello (y/n)~ I'm your uncle T.O.P"

"Uncle TOP ?"

T.O.P nodded his head and put his hands towards her,(y/n) was startled for a moment but soon took his hand. He help her get out of the car and she stood beside him looking up at Kai who smiled sadly

"Well princess,time to say goodbye. We promise to come back soon,but there's something I can't promise"

"W-what is is?"

"Not all of Exo members might make it,I know it'll break your heart but we just have to face reality (y/n)"

(Y/n) bit her bottom lip and nodded her head looking down,Kai's heart broke and sighed,he looked at T.O.P and nodded his head leaving. Baekhyun and D.O didn't bother to say goodbye knowing it'll hurt them more but it hurt more that they didn't say goodbye. The car soon left fading into a distance, (y/n) deeply sighed, T.O.P noticed her sadness and patted her head softly

"Don't worry,we'll take care of you"

"So I have more uncles ?"

T.O.P grin and took her small hand walking back inside the house,(y/n) was feeling excited and nervous having to meet more family. When they entered, there was three males, two sitting beside each other on one couch while the other is sitting on the floor reading a playboy magazine . T.O.P sighed and glared at the male

"Taeyang,as much as I love reading those we have a child with us now so"

Taeyang looked up at T.O.P then at (y/n) who was lost, taeyang smirked and hid the magazine under the couch then standing up walking towards (y/n)

"So you're GD lost daughter huh?"


"Oh I see,Japanese?"

"No,I'm full Korean now that I know about my real appa"

Taeyang smiled and picked her up kissing her left cheek

"Well welcome to the family!"

"How do you think she's doing now?"

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