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"Home sweet home!"

Kai cheered while stretching,Baekhyun sighed while helping (y/n) standing up since she just woke up from her four hour nap. Hyun-shik looked emotionless for the same reason of waking up from his nap,which made him look like a mini version of yoongi when he got woken up by the members.

"Feels like you didn't enjoy Japan"

"I didn't,especially with that weird old man always following us and calling the children masters"

Baekhyun,D.O,and the children looked at him with a 'you're dumb' face and Continued to pick up their luggage and headed out the airport to catch a cab

"Ugh,why didn't namjoon send someone to pick us up?"

The members shrugged and proceeded to get a cab,once they got one,they put their luggage in the trunk and made there way home. Baekhyun took out his phone and called yoongi

"Hey Baekhyun!"

"Hey yoongi,just wanted to let you know we arrived and are heading home"

On the other line,yoongi choked on his water and coughed which made Baekhyun worried

"Hey! You alright?"

"Y-yeah! Just J-Jungkook hit my back causing me to choke"

"Oh oh! Well we'll be home in like twenty to thirty minutes so see you soon!"

He hung up and yoongi threw his phone on his bed and rushed into Namjoon office,he rushed in causing Namjoon to jump

"What the fuck-"

"Hurry up and tell everyone to get ready and the house ready,they're on their way"

"Oh fuck,our suits haven't came in yet"

"Who's out?"

"Jin and Yani"

"Tell them to pick them up and I'll finish getting their surprise ready"

Namjoon nodded and took out his phone to call Jin,yoongi walked out and sped walk down the hallways of the mansion to find the younger ones,he reached the living room to find taehyung and Jungkook in their pajamas wrapping gifts. Yoongi sighed and whistled grabbing their attention

"Yes hyung?"

"They're on their way,so get your asses up and get ready"

Taehyung cursed and Jungkook got up and rushed down the hallway

"Showering first !"

Yoongi went up the stairs going into the second floor of the mansion to find Jimin,Jimin came out of the the bathroom almost crashing against yoongi

"Oh sorry-"

"Get ready they're coming soon"

"Oh! But our-"

"Don't worry the suits will come in time just do what you got to do"

Jimin nodded and headed towards his room,yoongi sighed and rushed into his room dialing jiyong

"What's up?"

"They're on their way"

"How long?"

"Let's say you got like twenty minutes by now"

"I'll be there soon!"

Yoongi cried in frustration not knowing what to do now.  On the other hand,(y/n) and hyun-shik were excited to see everyone again,Kai noticed their excited expressions and questioned them

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