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"Wait,we start today?!"


Today all the members decided to leave the children at school,as the members were making their way to leave school grounds,the principal called for them and took all of them together along with the children to the office. She's spilling the news that the members start school today, we'll sort of. The children were excited and happy while the members were nervous. The principal handed each of them their uniforms and told to change into them. The left the office going into the boys school bathroom and came back in with their uniforms on,the children stared at them in awe

"You looking great oppas!"


The members sighed and blushed in embarrassment. The principal smiled and told them what they should do for the rest of the school day,she handed each one of them their own class schedule and told the children to tour them around. (Y/n) held Jungkook hand and swung it back and forth,Jungkook chuckled at her actions and smiled

"What do we do now?"

"We're going to split up"


"Jimin,Jhope,and Jungkook will go with Hyun-ki"

"Suga and Rap monster will go with (y/n)"

"And Jin and V will come with me!"

Everyone nodded to the plan and split up, (y/n) looked at both Suga and Rap monster schedules to see if they had any similar classes,they had a few together but not many. (Y/n) held each one of there hand and took them around the school. She started with the first floor,second floor, and then the cafeteria

"If you go this hallway,then that's were you can find us"

"So it's a hallway that connects to your own school"


"Well that clears everything,I thought this school was really really big to fit any grade"

(Y/n) giggled at Suga comment and shook her head,she continued to show them around until they got to the third floor

"On this floor, is where most of your classes are,just see the class number on your schedule and it should be easy to find it"

Suga and Rap monster hummed,the bell suddenly ringed and all students were exiting out of their class,which made the three of them be in the crowd. Suga was backing away until he bumped into a girl,she dropped her notebook and Suga picked it up and handed it back to her with a blank expression,the girl looked at him and her eyes widened

"What are you doing here?! You're a gang member,you shouldn't be here!"

Suga glared at her for basically shouting which cause to get everyone attention,everyone was looking at them,some were already whispering. Suga clenched his jaw and glared deeper into the girl skull. (Y/n) noticed the tension and went in front of Suga,she recognized the girl being on of her neighbors at her old house

"Unnie, he didn't do anything wrong, you should apologize to him"

The girl noticed (y/n) and suddenly panicked grabbing hold of (y/n) hand

"(Y/n),why are you with them?!"

"Unnie,I told you that you should apologize to the guy you just yelled at!"

"(Y/n),I'm your unnie and you have to respect me and obey me. Not these gang members"

"Well forget about my respect! You weren't supposed to yell at him. He picked up your notebook because he knew he bumped into you. And you just started to shout nonsense when you don't even know them!"

"Yes I do! He is a gang members! They are bad people!"

"Not all of them are! You don't nothing about them so you should start thinking before you speak!"

(Y/n) shouted back and yanked her hand away from the girl,the girl was taken back and looked at everyone,she just got told by a seven year old girl. She gulped and rushed away. (Y/n) sighed and looked at Suga

"Sorry oppa"

"You don't need to apologize little princess,it's her problem"

(Y/n) smiled and ran up to him to hug him,he hugged back and patted her head, Rap monster chuckled and looked around. All eyes were on them and he sighed, suddenly a guy,kind of the same height as Jimin, walked up to them and bowed

"My name is Hisho and welcome to our school"

Suga and Rap monster looked at him and looked at each other and nodded



Hisho smiled and nodded, he looked at (y/n) and nodded towards her

"You don't mind if I become friends with them"

(Y/n) smiled and nodded no

"No, as long as you're nice,we're all cool"

Hisho chuckled, and then he looked back at Suga and Rap monster

"Don't worry I'm not trying to ruin you or something"

He waved his hand in defense nervously, Rap monster chuckled and started to walk away, soon the other two followed him, Hisho looked at them in awe

"So cool"

He whispered, soon everyone started to whisper again

"Ah,the yoongi guy is hot"

"I know right!"

"Ah the twins little sister defended him,she's such a cutie!"

Hisho looked at the people whispering and chucked, everyone don't look at them as gang members anymore,more as like the new cool kids. Soon the school day ended and everyone went back to the principal office to pick up their stuff, the principal smiled at them

"So how did it go?"

"Surprisingly, pretty good"

"That's good to hear! Now tomorrow you will start the real thing,don't worry about supplies,I got that cover."

Everyone nodded and started to head back home,when they got home they ate the leftovers from the day before and changed into their normal clothing. Tomorrow was the start of something new
Ah~Happy thanksgiving (^) new chapter

 Tomorrow was the start of something new------------Ah~Happy thanksgiving ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ new chapter

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