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After the encounter with Junior, V and (y/n) went straight home,forgetting about the items they had to buy from the store.V carried (y/n) in his arms,as they rushed down the streets of the city,he wanted to get home immediately for the young girl safety.
(Y/n) grew a bit worried since V had his arms wrapped around her body tightly,his eyes seemed dull as like the worst nightmare just happened,he was silent throughout the whole speed walk and she finally broke the silence



"Who is he?"


"That man"

V suddenly tighten his grip on (y/n) clothes and paused before responding

"I'll tell you later"

They arrived home and V immediately opened the house door,he quickly rushed inside and placed (y/n) down on the floor. He slammed the door behind him out of anger which caused (y/n) to jumped and tremble in fear,Jhope suddenly walked over to where they were. His expression was annoyed at first as he was ready to yell at whoever slammed the door but noticed (y/n) was trembling in fear and V looked like he was ready to snap at any second

"W-Woah,what's wrong? Did something happen?"

V and (y/n) turned their heads to look back at Jhope,(y/n) immediately nodded her head while V took a deep breath and spoke


"No way"

V nodded his head and brushed his fingers through his hair in frustration

"But there's a problem"

"What do you mean?!"

Suddenly Jin walked in and felt a dark and serious aurora from V distance. (Y/n) saw him walked in and immediately ran towards him,she wrapped her small arms around his leg and looked up at him with fear and worry in her eyes

"J-Jinnie,I'm scared"

Jin looked down at her with a worried look and picked her up,she immediately wrapped her hands around his neck and buried her face into his shoulder. Jin rubbed her back with his free hand and sternly looked at the two males in front of him

"What's going on!? I don't like when (y/n) is scared,so speak up"

"Got7 is planning to do something to the children"

Jin mouth gaped open in shock,before he could even speak. The house door opened,revealing the rest of the members. Jungkook looked the three of them with a panicked expression

"Are they here?!"


"The children"

"Only (y/n)"

Rap monster,who stood beside Jungkook,clicked his tongue and looked at Suga and Jimin,who stood behind them,still outside of the house

"Jimin, Suga go pick up the twins now!"

They both nodded their heads and immediately left their house property. Jhope furrowed his brows in confusion at the sudden demand their leader made

"What's going on?!"

Rap monster rubbed his forehead and sighed heavily

"It's Got7 "

The three members eyes widen in surprise and V turned his body around to directly look at Rap monster

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