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The police came behind Baekhyun car,following him to where the building was located. They all sped through the quiet streets,Yani was nervous in the back seat,her heart beating fast every second,she was beyond worried for (y/n). Finally Baekhyun came to a stop behind Daesung car,Yani immediately rushed out the car running towards Daesung

"Where is she?! She's okay right?!"

"Ma'am p-please calm down,I-I don't know ! S-she went in like twenty minutes ago!"

Yani started tearing up and looked behind at the cops who were immediately rushing out of their cars,soon a gun shot was heard. They stood frozen and a tear from Yani eye fell on the ground


She immediately ran towards the building without listening to the rest,Daesung,Baekhyun,and Kai followed behind her along with the cops.

"Target, Haruka Nanase!"

Jiyong and the members stood around her,they wanted it to be a nightmare that they'll soon wake up to but sadly it was reality. Blood dripped out of (y/n) mouth falling onto Jin white shirt,her head was lay on his chest,Jin was holding her like no tomorrow,tears streamed down his face falling on to (y/n). Jiyong couldn't speak,pain was all he had,he own daughter was dying right in front of his eyes just when he finally found her

"(Y-y/n) p-p-please be strong for appa! You're strong princess!"

"A-appa I-it hurts a-a-a lot and I-i-it's-"

She ended up coughing more blood,Suga couldn't bare to look at her. Pain,anger,sadness was all he had,he looked over at Haruka who was on his knee in regret. Suga blood boiled and stood up walking towards him,Haruka looked up and Suga had no hesitation and immediately started to beat him


Punch after punch he never stopped,he lost one of the twins almost both of them and now he's about to lose his princess,the three of them who were the light to his life,the members life. Haruka face was bruised and bloody,Suga pale creamy skin on his knuckles were cut and bloody red. Jimin noticed him and immediately rushed behind him,giving him a back hug,he was crying due to (y/n) almost giving up and he was there beating the man to death even if he deserves it,(y/n) was more important

"Hyung,p-please stop-p"


"P-P-Please ! F-for me a-a-and (y/n)! She's losing a lot of blood !"

Suga slowly stopped hearing Jimin tears and words,Suga turned around looking at (y/n) heavily breathing and crying

"E-e-everyone, I-I-I'm sorry,I-I wanted t-to k-keep y'all alive. A-and you all w-wanted to p-protect m-m-me but I-I love you all I-I don't want to l-l-lose any of you!"

Tears streamed down their faces,Jiyong held her small hand and kissed it softy,his heart pained more. The members couldn't look at her,Hyun-shik was in V's arms and Hyun-ki was in J-hope arms. Everyone was together but not the way they wanted

"O-oppa's p-p-please don't be s-sad,I-I'm sorry f-f-for-"

"N-no! Princess stop! Don't talk!"


"Baby girl! You're going to live! I'll make sure of it"

Jiyong carefully picked up (y/n) weak body,she hissed in pain as his arm accidentally touched her wound. Jiyong looked at the members and they stood up immediately

"We have to rush now! We have to save her and Hyun-Shik!"


Everyone looked at who shouted,it was a women,Jiyong recognized the female voice and immediately rushed towards her

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